Thursday, February 10, 2011

AANR to Skip the Skinny Dip in 2011

The American Association of Nude Recreation is taking a hiatus from its two-year old Guinness World Record Skinny-Dip event. Susan Weaver, President of the organization, explains:
Planning these events takes enormous coordination and effort. Guinness has stringent certification and verification procedures required to establish and beat world records. Every location hosting an event had to meet the Guinness standards. Some of the location coordinators wanted a rest for a year from the many, many hours of work that went into planning the events and providing official records for Guinness.
I feel certain that AANR will be back in the future seeking to beat the 2010 record.
With 14,110 people participating last year alone, it seems that the event would have been profitable, but apparently the time spent on organization and record-keeping wiped out any benefit to many of the clubs. It was a public relations coup, and a brilliant idea, but perhaps it would have been better had other organizations like The Naturist Society had gotten involved. Now the future of the event is up in the air.

At least three AANR resorts already have the skinny-dip on their calendars for July 9,2011 (herehere and here), so hopefully someone will let them know soon so they can schedule other events.


Rick said...

The skinny-dip record was a great PR opportunity and it would be a shame to let that slip through their fingers. I would hope that individual clubs would have their own skinny-dip promotions.

Record attempt or not, I still plan to be at Cedar Trails for the Saturday of Nude Recreation Week.

JohnO said...

Regarding the involvement of other other groups...

Wasn't it set up so that only landed clubs could be "legitimate" participants. The organized beach groups like TAN, Blacks Beach & Haulover were excluded.

Susan said...

I think we all look forward to future skinny-dips, whether record breaking or just fun.

AANR did invite The Naturist Society to be a part of the 2010 event, but since they were celebrating their 30th Anniversary at that time, they declined. Nicky and I have talked about other opportunities for the two organizations to share some fun events, however.

Several beach groups were location hosts in both 2009 and 2010.


Unknown said...

Haulover Beach in Florida and Gunnison Beach in New Jersey had some of the biggest turnouts of any locations for both the 2009 and 2010 World Record Skinny-Dips.

Anonymous said...

I was at an event at a private house, organized by a non-landed club. Guiness had an auditor come to the house to take a picture and count heads right at noon.

Anonymous said...

So, who says AANR has to do it? They kind of 'borrowed' the idea in the first place, right?

Forget the 'world record' part and just promote 'World Skinny Dip Day'!

Promo is free on blogs and websites, it's great publicity for the nudist/naturist lifestyle, and really, do people only do it for the Guiness Book record or because it's fun?

Nobody needs a world record to get folks to jump into freezing water in the middle of the winter; it shouldn't take much encouragement to get them to jump into cool water in the summer!

AANR's resorts can still advertise and hold events, they shouldn't lose money. Heck, AANR can still claim the event as theirs and get the credit. The rest of us can just go find somewhere wet to get naked!

C'mon, not EVERYTHING needs to be done for a profit!