Monday, February 20, 2006

Kissing Banned in Wales

Well, not completely, but at least in school plays. Mark Ravenhill has written a play called "Citizenship" about teenage sexuality which is meant to allow young people to approach the subject and overcome their own puritanism. He says. "The spectacle of sex dominates our lives - but the humanity of it is absent." How true. There is no humanity in porn or sexually charged advertising, and young people are exposed to this dehumanizing process every day. I like to think that the Nudist/Naturist movement is a positive step to restoring some humanity to our lives, that to see other human beings naked and to be naked in their presence is a means to achieve a more normal and honest perception of who we all are. Ravenhill calls the Welsh Assembly "ridiculous" for banning kissing in school plays, and professes that plays such as "Citizenship" can help young people to tackle the complex emotional and physical world that surrounds them. If we continue to repress normal, healthy sexuality, then we just become more sick as a society.

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