Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Daily Newds

  • A conservative group in Ohio is seeking stricter legislation on adult businesses.
    A proposal tabbed as the Community Defense Act by its proponents would require strip clubs and other sexually oriented businesses to close between midnight and 6 a.m. and keep employees who appear nude or semi-nude at least six feet from patrons.
  • A Westerville, Ohio, high school student stripped down, greased himself up and ran naked through a crowded cafeteria. He was tasered and hauled off to jail and will be charged with inducing panic, public indecency, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.
    "He's not offered any apology. He said he was looking to create some excitement and get an adrenaline rush. "Hindsight being 20/20," Petrozzi said, Killian "should have ate a burger instead. Put a jalapeno on it. I don't know."
  • Nude bowlers in Maine are getting some heat from the local community. Recently a man who wandered in on the naked event with his 8 year-old son became disgusted and immediately went to the police. It was concluded that no laws were being broken, but the morality police always seem to assume that something untoward is going on.
    "The big fear is that if this is allowed, how far does it escalate and how many liberties can other people take?" City Manager Peggy Daigle said Monday.
  • At the end of a stressful day, what could be more relaxing than getting naked and receiving a barefoot massage?
  • Because of the non-controversy involving actress Dakota Fanning and her rape scene in the movie "Hounddog", conservatives are seeking to regulate under-18 nudity in films.
    (Actress Janine) Turner added that society is suffering from a saturating amount of violence on television and in movies, and she thinks Hollywood should make a rule that no one under age 18 is allowed to be filmed naked or placed in scenes that are compromising or sexually graphic.

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