Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Daily Newds

  • A Woman in Mauritius calls for an end to hypocrisy regarding sexual activity.
    Three women and two men were arrested after the police made a raid at the Ritz Club in Baie-du-Tombeau. The three ladies were arrested because they were dancing almost naked on stage. How many of us were shocked by the news? Let’s make a bet… I am sure, no one! The court might rule that striptease is an illegal activity but the fact remains – apologies to those who might find it shocking – that it is healthy for a society to have such activities!
  • Artist Vanessa Beecroft's nude installation "VB55" both empowers and challenges women at the same time.
    Divorced from the art gallery context, "VB55" could well be described as a nudie "sting" operation designed to trap the voyeur in every onlooker. Guilt plays a major role. One woman felt particularly uneasy looking at so much female nudity while she herself was dressed up. This makes for an "ordeal" for everyone involved, audience as well as models, one critic noted.
  • A USC goalie recently mooned the crowd during a hockey game, and it turns out that his bare buttocks posed a clear and present danger to those that witnessed the incident.
    Rink manager Floyd Naegle was unhappy. We don't treat this as a funny incident," he said yesterday. ``We're a family oriented business. It's a one-time incident and we try to do what we can to protect ourselves."
  • Telus has backed away from offering nude images to it's cellphone customers.
    Vancouver's Catholic archdiocese, calling the pictures pornography, on Friday told about 130 parishes and schools to cancel their contracts with Telus
    Mobility. he church ramped up its fight with a 12-page special section in this week's edition of The B.C. Catholic, a weekly newspaper published by the Vancouver archdiocese. The Feb. 19 edition includes a front-page story about the church's fight with Telus in an editorial that scolds the company for hitching its financial future to the abuse-ridden and pain-filled pornography industry."
  • A UK naturist accused of lewd behavior on a nudist beach has agreed to an indefinite voluntary ban.
    ...faced with the prospect of imminent court proceedings Hodson agreed to the ban, which includes all of the trust-owned beach and the dunes the length of Ferry Road. National Trust services manager at Studland Emma Wright said: "This ban shows how serious we are about not tolerating illegal behaviour at Studland. We are working to develop a naturist beach area, which is safe and enjoyable for everyone.
  • An Alabama county is enacting legislation against nude dancing.
    "I realize the First Amendment protects the rights of people who want to take part in this activity, but it's not something I think we need in this county," Commissioner Michael Morgan said.
  • Dr. Who is getting naked?
  • 20 boys were barred from attending a Kenya high school because they were uncircumcised.
  • Miss Nude Winnipeg has taken control of an exotic nightclub.
  • An American Psychological Association report finds that sexualized images of females are having an adverse effect on women and girls.
    The report found that the proliferation of sexualized images of girls and young women might cause women to experience problems with cognitive health, mental health, physical health and healthy sexual development.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"A Woman in Mauritius calls for an end to hypocrisy regarding sexual activity."

Nudism is a NON-sexual activity.w