- At 85, he has to be the world's oldest nude art model.
- Another woman has been convicted for nudity because the law in Nebraska criminalizes female nipples.
- An art gallery in Leamington, England, has banned the work of a well-known artist because the paintings contain nudity. The arts manager said: "We said to him that we had concerns about the content of some of his paintings as a family-orientated public museum."
- A Liverpool woman is going to run naked through the streets of Pamplona, wearing only a red scarf and plastic bulll horns.
- Planning a wedding? There's a great way to save on expenses - have the event in the nude.
- North Carolina's Whispering Pines Nudist Resort is a great secluded place to unwind. "We get new people constantly, trying it for the first time, and a majority, after the first 10 minutes, they're stuck," said Carol (owner). "They don't want to go back home and put their clothes on."
- Streaking has become a criminal act. We are really one dumb society when it comes to the human body.
Friday, June 30, 2006
The Daily Newds
Thursday, June 29, 2006
The Daily Newds
- Nude bathers on Budleigh Beach in England have been relocated by a police officer after a complaint was made. According to the report, people have been sunbathing nude in the area since the 1800s.
- In celebrity newds, Pamela Anderson stripped to her g-string for PETA, while Ashlee Simpson reportedly turned down $4 million to bare all for Playboy.
- Nudist action groups are planning to approach lawmakers to have anti-nudity ordinances overturned in California. One of the arguments against the nudity is "because some people find sexual gratification by flocking to nude beaches, observing naturists, and committing lewd and lascivious acts". On the more rational side, the naturists are finding almost no public opposition to the idea of restoring the nude beaches.
- This columnist makes a good case in support of dismissed Austin, Texas teacher Tamara Hoover, who got in trouble because she posed for nude art photos.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Her Husband Has Not Seen Her Naked for 5 Years...

The new show is billed as "a provocative anti-surgery show that aims to debunk the body-fascist myths of perfection perpetrated by the fashion, beauty and advertising industries". It's about time someone stepped up and developed a show about body image. Many of the makeover shows on American TV are all about the hair, makeup and clothes, while this show will be about health and beauty in addition to mere style.
Judging by the glowing photo of Susan, the show has achieved its goal. Hopefully there will be an American version soon.
The Daily Newds
- A Chinese migrant worker has staged a nude protest over lost wages. And 19 people in Taiwan staged that's city's first ever nude protest.
- College streaker cops a plea and pays a hefty fine to avoid an obscenity felony rap.
- A National Review editorial compares flag burning to nude dancing. Bad analogy, but it does highlight the fact that a Constitutional amendment is not necessary for either activity.
- The Manhattan District Attorney has subpoenaed the makers of the Grand Theft Auto video game because of hidden scenes of nudity. Apparently the larceny and violence in the game are perfectly OK.
- The Idaho Bare Backers are looking for new members.
Monday, June 26, 2006
The Daily Newds
- Here's a nice article about the history of nudism in Ohio.
- Got $2.6 million? You can buy the clothing-optional Terra Cotta Inn.
- The "Naked Rambler" Stephen Gough will be spending his next four months in jail because he stripped nude on a commercial airline flight in the UK.
- Pageant officials want to strip Miss Universe Australia of her title because she posed topless for a men's magazine. Take note that the news article shows extreme bias by calling the photos "raunchy".
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Topfree at Comfest in Columbus, Ohio

Today at Comfest I saw one young woman enjoying the freedom of being topfree on a gorgeous summer day (the photo above is from a previous year). She was sauntering with her friends right down the middle of a crowded walkway, she seemed to glow in the sunlight. While most people gazed at her, I saw nobody that appeared to be offended or even startled in any way. Behind me a woman said "I don't have any problem with that." Neither do I.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Utah Town Passes Needless Anti-Nudity Law
In Spanish Fork, Utah, the City Council has voted to prohibit nakedness, even though it is not a problem and there are no businesses that currently exist, and none that have applied for permits, that would fall under the new guidelines. Assistant City Manager Seth Perrins said the city wanted to make sure there wouldn't be any surprises.
The Daily Newds
- A nude model drew a crowd of more than 200 spectators in SW. China's Chongqing Municipality on June 18, reported the Chongqing Business Post.
- A pool hall owner in Indiana has been cited for having topless dancers in his establishment. The six women were also arrested. Now substitute the word "men" for "women" in the article and you will see how sexually biased our society is in criminalizing women's nipples.
- A Swedish meteorologist has been punished because she posed for some sexy pictures in a popular magazine. She was not even nude, only showing a little cleavage. I thought that the Swedes were more progressive in their attitudes toward nudity, apparently they are becoming regressive. On the other hand, people are allowed to swim or sunbathe naked just about anywhere in Sweden. Another writer supposes that Swedes are miserable.
- Now for more ridiculous news, the LiveJournal blog has banned photos of breastfeeding as being "inappropriate".
- Ruth Marcus writes in her latest column about the new "indecency" legislation, saying she is "sympathetic" to those who support the new laws but feels that the real first line of defense in "the multi-front war" is the parents. OK, that's fine, but the article only talks about "sexual content" and how it is on the rise in prime-time TV, and completely ignores the graphic violence that permeates broadcast television. Are people realy so stupid as to believe that the sight of a woman's nipple is more dangerous to our children than the sight of a mutilated corpse on "CSI"?
Sunday, June 18, 2006
The Daily Newds
- Lebanese Interior Minister denies approving a nudist beach. In addition, being gay in Lebanon carries a six month jail term.
- In Taiwan, a nude protest rally is planned to show opposition to nuclear power.
- A couple has been arrested for being nude on Higbee Beach.
- Columnist Mark Steyn cites the World Naked Bike Ride as a sign that the Democrats cannot win in November. It's just another straw man argument in the conservative lexicon to detract from the true issues that confront America today. Note that the article never mentions that the WNBR was a protest against oil dependency and was a WORLDWIDE protest.
- A slanted article decries the easy accessibility of "sexually explicit" material on the boardwalk at Ocean City, New Jersey. Oh, my God! Look! It's a poster of a nearly-naked Carmen Elektra! Run!
- Singer Pink wants to be invisible and run around naked pulling people's hair.
- When he's sixty-four - the cute Beatle has a landmark birthday.
- Filmmaker Frank Caruso launches the 2nd Annual Art of Love Film Festival in Toronto. "Some people just don't know how to react, and get all squirmy. I find it humorous sometimes, and sometimes I find it irritating. Grow up. We're just talking about human bodies...We live in a really weird society. I don't get it," he sighs. "Everywhere I look violence is glorified. People have no problem letting their kids watch that crap."
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Artistic Nudity

But, a high school teacher in Austin, Texas, might lose her job because artistic nude photos of her were posted on the internet by the photographer, who also happens to be her companion. Apparently it's OK to teach the human figure in art but it's not OK to actually be a nude subject. Is this really about the photos (which are not sexual in nature, just nudes), or is it about the teacher's personal lifestyle? Anyway, the press is running with this, referring to the "topless photos" as if the teacher is a stripper. Grow up America, there is nothing wrong with the human body as a study in art.
Friday, June 16, 2006
The Daily Newds
- Students in Chile have staged a naked protest against poor quality education.
- The Fremont Fair Parade in Seattle includes "Ya Yas for Ta Tas", a salute to breasts which features women of all shapes and sizes celebrating topfree equality.
- Naked bathers are creating a stir in England.
- 1000 streakers expected in Pamplona, Spain, at the annual "Running of the Nudes".
Thursday, June 15, 2006
An Inconvenient Truth

In "An Inconvenient Truth", Mr. Gore has put on film the Powerpoint presentation that he has delivered over 1000 times all around the world. The evidence that he presents about global warming is compelling, clear and very frightening. Our Earth is in peril, and we are to blame.
This is not theory, it is hard science, agreed upon by virtually 100% of all scientists who have studied the problem. The time is now to take action - we must not wait for politicians and/or corporations to lead the way, this movement must come from individuals making wise and ethical choices in their personal lives.
I strongly urge ALL individuals, Republican, Democrat or Independent, to see this film. If you do not like Al Gore, see it anyway. If you believe that global warming is a left wing conspiracy, see it anyway. If you drive a Hummer and laugh when you are at the gas pump, see it anyway. Something dramatic and potentially irreversible is happening to the planet's climate, and we owe it to all of our children to begin immediately to make a difference.

This is a matter of basic equality and civil rights. There is no valid reason why a man can expose his nipples to nature while a woman cannot. The only argument that anyone can attempt to make on this issue is that women's breasts are sexual objects while men's are not, but this is something that society has thrust upon women unfairly.
It's time to free women's breasts from prison, to allow women who choose to be topfree to enjoy that freedom without fear of any penalty, and to begin to eradicate the sexualization of the female breast in society. Not an easy task since virtually every American male grows up masturbating to images of naked female breasts and has been conditioned to this sexual arousal.
The good news on this issue is that many states are now enacting legislation to make it perfectly OK for women to breastfeed their children in public. Although breastfeeding is certainly not illegal, many people have the perception that a woman who exposes a breast for the purpose of nourishment is commiting an act of indecent exposure, thus the need for legislation.
One only needs to take this one step further, that if the exposed female breast is OK in public for feeding a child, then logically it is perfectly OK for that same breast to be exposed at a pool or a beach. Either exposure is non-sexual in nature and perfectly normal and healthy.
The time has come to decriminalize the female breast. Please take the time to visit the following web sites to learn more about topfree equality and this important movement for freedom and equality.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The Daily Newds
- 35 women ranging in age from 55 to 93 will (nearly) bear all to raise money for the Tewksbury MA Senoir Citizen's Building.
The Daily Newds

Monday, June 12, 2006
The Daily Newds
American nudists spend $400 million per year and Florida resorts are taking off the gloves in the fight for a bigger slice of the pie.
- The Buckeye Naturists in Columbus, Ohio, are active again and have an updated web site here.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Daily Newds
More on the World Naked Bike Ride yesterday. Reuters has up video here. More reports from Vermont, Ottawa, Prague, and Great Britain. And don't forget the official World Naked Bike Ride web site.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
The Daily Newds
It's World Naked Bike Ride Day and reports are coming in from all over including Spain, UK, Chicago, Vermont, Mexico City, and Australia.
- Famke Janssen comes from a nudist family and was not shocked to see Sir Ian McKellen "flopping in the wind".
- There is a difference between Michelangelo and Playboy when it comes to the naked human form, but paintings of Jesus nude on the cross can be a bit controversial.
- Baden-Baden's Roman baths might not really hold healing powers, but at least you get to commune with a lot of other naked people.
- Jennifer Aniston is a nudist at heart if not in real life, based upon the apparent joy she experienced at being completely nude for her latest movie "The Break-Up".
- Germany is so far ahead of the United States in terms of body acceptance and plain common sense. Here is a wonderful article written by an American woman living in Stuttgart on experiencing the natural and healthy coed nudity in the spas called "The Beauty of Every Naked Body".
- An Australian is completely confused how American society can permit images of graphic violence on television, yet it is illegal for women to be topless at the beach. "Is there nothing more natural than being received naked by the ocean?"
- Are attitudes regarding nudity changing? One writer ponders the tug-of-war between nudes and prudes and concludes that we cannot keep blaming the Victorians for antique attitudes. The inspiration for the article was the story of a nurse who was arrested for being nude on her private property, and here's an in-depth story about the incident. It's completely amazing that the mere sight of a naked human being has created such controversey and has "devastated" the lives of those involved.
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