Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why is it that....

...the exposure of our external organ, the skin, is considered indecent, yet our internal organs are on display in museums as objects of scientific fascination?
Our favourite part was the dissected organs and body parts.

A real heart, liver, pancreas and lung are among the bits you can see in their proper position in the body; the specimens have gone through a process of plastination to preserve them, so they look a bit withered and, well, dead - but they provide a fascinating insight into what's inside us.
from: Naked People and Other Fascinating Animals

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you are talking about the Bodies Exhibit I have heard people complain about having an exhibit showing actual dead bodies.

And as for the exposure of our external organs being considered indecent, Museums, art museums, are one of the few places in society where this isn't true.

Lots of art found in museums show humans in a state of simple nudity.