- Mr. Skin picks his top ten nude scenes for 2005. [link]
- 94 year old woman poses for nude calendar. [link]
- Writer says it's OK to be stinky in the gym, but if you want to steam in the nude, move to Europe. [link]
- New Zealanders plan to play bingo in the buff. [link]
- Topless women plan to sue. Could be a landmark case. [link]
- Naturism is the new religion? [link]
Saturday, December 31, 2005
The Daily Newds
Thursday, December 29, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Women are now posing nude for calendars even before a charity is selected. There is much more to this phenomenon than meets the eye. Perhaps deep down within all of us there is a yearning to be natural, nude and unashamed. All it takes is a good reason, and women are standing up for themselves and their bodies like never before. Anyway, this is a nice article. [link]
- 800 women apply for jobs at a Wilkes-Barre strip club. [link]
- Here is a thoughtful article on nudity. The writer, who is seventeen, believes that nudists are "lucky"to be so comfortable and honest, yet she finds that the influences of society prevent her from being so open. The more I read articles like these the more I believe that a true cultural shift is occuring, that people are realizing that the human body is nothing to be ashamed of. [link]
- Is there anywhere that does NOT have a nude calendar for sale? Here's one from a small New England town with older men. [link]
- Photographer making a name for himself with artistic nude photos. [link]
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Election campaign brings out the nudist in people. [link]
- Public health workers say no to clothes so that others will say no to drugs. [link]
- Exhibit of photos with nude French women opens in Edinburgh. [link]
- A nudist's perspective on clothing-optional beaches. [link]
- Another person arrested for streaking. [link]
- Evolution might be the reason humans need privacy. [link]
- Chick Chat: Naked in the Gym Locker Room. [link]
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Women streakers invade fraternity's traditional nude run. [news.inq7.net]
- Confessions of a nude model. [Slate]
- Girls pose nude in public in England. [Online Sun]
- In art, nudity poses no problem. [timesunion.com]
- Mapplethorpe exhibit opens in more tolerant Cuba. [CNN]
- Naked Ambition by Maxi Shield. [ssonet.com]
- Artistic photo images of middle-aged nudes subvert idealized figures. [ArtNet]
- South Africa's nudist king. [news24.com]
- Horse club spices up calendar. [Brandon Sun]
- The New Nude art and photography magazine. [letsgodigital.org]
- To remove or not to remove hair is the question in Portland. [wweek.com]
- Another good article on nude figure modeling. [gazette.net]
- Naturist photo of the day. [ClothesFree.com]
Monday, December 12, 2005
The Daily Newds
- A slab of beer goes to the fastest nude runner. [abc.net.au]
- MSNBC uses nude female silhouette in ads. [webpronews.com]
- Decision delayed on topless activist case. [Orlando Sentinel]
- Salma Hayek and Colin Farrell get completely naked in upcoming film. [Irish Voice]
- This American phobia of any display of human skin is getting worse. The Red Cross and the US Marines both withdrew from sponsoring a fundraising rock concert simply because the promo posters included the image of a woman's back. No buttocks, just the back! Better not take the kiddies to the beach this summer, they'll see a lot more than just a back when a girl in a bikini saunters by. [The Sentinel]
Saturday, December 10, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Nude cookbook also has great recipes. [Campbell River Mirror]
- Nudity is unity. [Daily Illini]
- Nudists driving cars is upsetting many Australians. [smh.com.au]
- Pajamas, or lack therof, are determined by circumstances in childhood. [GlobeandMail.com]
- English girls want to be naked in outer space. [Manchester Online]
Friday, December 09, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Naked theme parties hit Northeast schools. [The Daily Free Press]
- Is nude statue art or pornography? [Bay Area Reporter]
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Christian nudists to build village in Florida. [azcentral.com]
- San Pedro ladies bare all for fundraising calendar. [channel5belize.com]
- New Zealanders strip for turkeys. [stuff.co.nz]
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Clive Barker to paint 5 nude men and the event is open to photographers. [Fangoria]
- Nude photos of Jennifer Aniston are being shopped. See, if we were all naked all of the time this wouldn't happen. [The National Ledger]
- Atlantic Rowing Race athletes will row naked to prevent chafing. [telegraph.co.uk]
Monday, December 05, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Princeton students wish for the return of the Nude Olympics. [DailyPrincetonian.com]
- No nude beach for Queensland. [abc.net.au]
- Augusta Maine lingerie store generates a lot of attention with live half-naked lingerie-wearing window models. [Kennebec Journal]
Slow newds day...
Saturday, December 03, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Even Chess players are posing nude. Who's next? [Sunday Times]
- Film legend Harold Lloyd loved to photograph nude ladies. [Times Online]
- Are women who show their bodies "female chauvinist pigs" or just more comfortable with themselves? Is the sight of a nude female "beautiful" or just part of the new "raunch culture"? Ariel Levy has written a provocative new book, reviewed here [The Independent], who wonders why women cannot be "sexy and frisky and in control without being commodified".
- Web site of the day. These people are way ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to body acceptance. [Scandinavian Naturist Portal]
The Daily Newds
- Australians post nude Tunick-style for charity. [theage.com.au]
- More females flock to flash their flesh for the camera in Japan. [Mainichi]
Friday, December 02, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Director Stephen Frears is very good at getting women to take their clothes off. [telegraph.co.uk]
- German Protestant youth group puts together 2006 calendar with nude photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible to "interest young people". [MSNBC]
- Frank Benson's "Human Statue" is uncanny in its realism - and it's nude. [artnet]
- Indecency standards, fueled by the sight of Janet Jackson's bare breast on national television, is hot topic for U.S. media executives. The crackdown on violence and nudity is a result of consumers who "complain about anything that crosses the line". Is it possible for this American culture to get even more uptight?? [Reuters]
The Daily Newds
- Stand-up comedian says ''Some of the best experiences with audiences I've ever had have been when I was naked." [Boston.com]
- Female breasts are everywhere, yet they're forbidden. A thoughful article on breast implants and the role society has played in making women believe that "bigger is better". [fortwayne.com]
- Are we now going to criminalize streaking? Naked student arrested and handcuffed for indecent exposure. [The Daily of the University of Washington-Seattle]
- A thoughtful article on Korean public bath culture and the total lack of self-consciousness. [The Korea Times]
Thursday, December 01, 2005
The Daily Newds
- The public baths of Copenhagen - light years ahead of what we have in the US. But hey, we still have more Wal Marts. [Budget Travel Online]
- Bare breasted protesting women not charged. [Fort Bragg Advocate News]
- U Penn drops action over naked photos. [nynewsday.com]
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The Daily Newds
- More than half object to nude beach in Australia, but that means that nearly half were for it. [abc.net.au]
- Nude models share what it's like to be naked in a crowded room. [Webster University]
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The Daily Newds
- PETA protesters stage nude protest in support of sheep [PETA]
- Kudos to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts which is taking in high school students because many public and private schools do not offer art classes. Even more encouraging, these students are sketching nudes, a class usually taught at only the college level. I wholeheartedly agree that this "is the oldest and most honored form of drawing training." [Philly.com]
- Art exhibit celebrates women. "The human form, the female form in particular, should be revered. It's not necessarily an object of lust, but one of sensual beauty." [Shreveporttimes.com]
- A new film examines the history of the female breast. The filmmaker is coming to terms with the death of her mother from breast cancer as well as her own issues with body image. Worth checking out. [Orlando Sentinel]
- Nudist photo of the day [ClothesFree.com]
Monday, November 28, 2005
The Nude Calendar Craze
Let's face it, a year full of nudes on the wall sure beats a year full of cute kitties, and it seems like every day there is a news story about a sports team or some geriatric group baring it all for the sake of charity. The latest story about the "Stews", five over fifty flight attendants who are protesting the loss of their pensions, can be found on their website here.
So what is going on here? Thirty years ago when my parents were as old as I am now, it was completely inconceivable to imagine them daring to get into a bathing suit, let alone strip for a camera. I thing that there are a number of cosmic energies coming together. Since statistics show that many nudists are over the age of forty, there exists the Woodstock generation mindset for peace, love and a oneness with nature. Add to that the fact that people are living longer and healthier, and mix it with the stresses and complexities of today's lifestyle, and you have the ingredients for people to want to wave the proverbial middle finger at the world and take off their clothes.
As an over fifty nudist myself, I think that this trend is wonderful. It shows that attitudes are changing, that many people are discarding the notion that the human body is a temple of shame, and that in fact it is the most beautiful thing that each and every one of us owns. Going nude for charity, protest, art or just the pure sensual delight is a basic human right and should not be misconstrued as something perverse or deviant. Nudity as a personal expression is as fundamental as speech.
So, my advice to all of you is to get naked for something. Take off your clothes and do housework, make it a point to visit a nude beach, take it off for Spencer Tunick if he comes to your area, shop online for Christmas presents au naturel - just use your imagination. Perhaps you can publish your own calendar. And don't forget to support your local nudist or naturist organization. The only way to change attitudes and laws is to organize and educate - a little activism from a lot of people can go a long way.
So what is going on here? Thirty years ago when my parents were as old as I am now, it was completely inconceivable to imagine them daring to get into a bathing suit, let alone strip for a camera. I thing that there are a number of cosmic energies coming together. Since statistics show that many nudists are over the age of forty, there exists the Woodstock generation mindset for peace, love and a oneness with nature. Add to that the fact that people are living longer and healthier, and mix it with the stresses and complexities of today's lifestyle, and you have the ingredients for people to want to wave the proverbial middle finger at the world and take off their clothes.
As an over fifty nudist myself, I think that this trend is wonderful. It shows that attitudes are changing, that many people are discarding the notion that the human body is a temple of shame, and that in fact it is the most beautiful thing that each and every one of us owns. Going nude for charity, protest, art or just the pure sensual delight is a basic human right and should not be misconstrued as something perverse or deviant. Nudity as a personal expression is as fundamental as speech.
So, my advice to all of you is to get naked for something. Take off your clothes and do housework, make it a point to visit a nude beach, take it off for Spencer Tunick if he comes to your area, shop online for Christmas presents au naturel - just use your imagination. Perhaps you can publish your own calendar. And don't forget to support your local nudist or naturist organization. The only way to change attitudes and laws is to organize and educate - a little activism from a lot of people can go a long way.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
The Daily Newds
- Rochester Ski Club Has No Trouble Finding Models for Nude Calendar [Post-Bulletin]
- "Pride and Prejudice" cast Went Skinny-Dipping Between Takes [Scotsman.com]
- Brits Shop Online Drunk and Naked [Chicago Sun-Times]
- Whattaya Mean I Have to Take Off My Clothes?! [Red Orbit]
- Nudist Photo of the Day [ClothesFree.com]
- Web Site of the Day [bodyfreedom.org]
- Quote of the Day: "I enjoyed the nude scene, it's opened up the nudist in me. I walk around my house naked now. I had extensive willy training for the role which helped." Singer/actor WILL YOUNG talks about his naked role in new movie MISS HENDERSON PRESENTS [Contactmusic.com]
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
The Skinny on Nudism
The National Geographic is one of the only mainstream publications to offer an objective and fair article on nudism. If you have not read the article, click here.
To me, one of the most important benefits of shedding clothes is to achieve a healthy perception of one's own body image. This seems to be a central issue to most nudists, that society has imposed unrealistic and unhealthy attitudes over what is "perfect", and yet we are all unique and beautiful just as we are.
The article quotes Mark Storey: "There are very few model-perfect people out there. At a nude beach, you get a more realistic perception of what humanity really looks like." Are we really so withdrawn as a society that we do not have a realistic impression of the human body? After all, we all have a body, we have all seen ourselves naked - can others really be so different? The ultimate realization that comes from social nudism is that we are all the same in own uniqueness, that we are ALL "flawed". While society constantly presses images of botox-injected, lipo-sucked and silicone pumped Barbie dolls into our brains, we lose touch with the reality that we do not live in that false and plastic world. It's no wonder that people nip, tuck, and vomit their way into trying to achieve the unachievable.
I find it particulary sad when film stars who are beginning to age go on an odyssey of self-mutilation in a hopeless, pathetic atempt to maintain the youth that was captured on the big screen. In the movies, the stars are ageless, and it is both wrong and psychologically damaging to believe that humans should try and emulate that timelessness.
I have always had problems with body image. Some of it comes from being raised by overly modest parents, some of it from the fact that I was "husky" as a child and received some taunting from other kids about my weight. Even when I was 18 and in just about perfect physical condition (for me), I still looked in the mirror and saw a fat kid. In the past few months after going naked for most of the time, my own body image has vastly improved, I am much more comfortable in my skin.
We as nudists have to work hard to dispell the wrongheaded notion that nudism and sexual activity are one and the same. It is frightening to think that the simple, natural act of skinny dipping can land you in jail, or target a person as a sex offender. Yet it's perfectly legal to accept money to perform sex acts on film and sell the product on the Internet, in stores and in most hotel rooms for prurient reasons.
The hope to be found in all of this is that most of the world nudism is a non-issue. The last bastion of Puritanical repression is the United States. It will take time and much peaceful effort to change attitudes, to open up more public land for nude swimming and recreation, to change the laws to be more accepting. It's hard for me to fathom that where I live there is no nude beach at all, that I cannot legally on an hot day strip down and go swimming nude in any public area without risk of arrest or fine. This fear of our own naked selves is symptomatic of a society stewing in a sea of false morality and materialistic mania, resulting in a regimented and continually restrictive lifestyle for everyone. Overworked and underchallenged, forced to think with the masses and denied the pure and natural.
So, get naked and stay naked, take off your clothes whenever you can, experience the true natural state of the human body, and accept yourself for the wonderful person you are.
To me, one of the most important benefits of shedding clothes is to achieve a healthy perception of one's own body image. This seems to be a central issue to most nudists, that society has imposed unrealistic and unhealthy attitudes over what is "perfect", and yet we are all unique and beautiful just as we are.
The article quotes Mark Storey: "There are very few model-perfect people out there. At a nude beach, you get a more realistic perception of what humanity really looks like." Are we really so withdrawn as a society that we do not have a realistic impression of the human body? After all, we all have a body, we have all seen ourselves naked - can others really be so different? The ultimate realization that comes from social nudism is that we are all the same in own uniqueness, that we are ALL "flawed". While society constantly presses images of botox-injected, lipo-sucked and silicone pumped Barbie dolls into our brains, we lose touch with the reality that we do not live in that false and plastic world. It's no wonder that people nip, tuck, and vomit their way into trying to achieve the unachievable.
I find it particulary sad when film stars who are beginning to age go on an odyssey of self-mutilation in a hopeless, pathetic atempt to maintain the youth that was captured on the big screen. In the movies, the stars are ageless, and it is both wrong and psychologically damaging to believe that humans should try and emulate that timelessness.
I have always had problems with body image. Some of it comes from being raised by overly modest parents, some of it from the fact that I was "husky" as a child and received some taunting from other kids about my weight. Even when I was 18 and in just about perfect physical condition (for me), I still looked in the mirror and saw a fat kid. In the past few months after going naked for most of the time, my own body image has vastly improved, I am much more comfortable in my skin.
We as nudists have to work hard to dispell the wrongheaded notion that nudism and sexual activity are one and the same. It is frightening to think that the simple, natural act of skinny dipping can land you in jail, or target a person as a sex offender. Yet it's perfectly legal to accept money to perform sex acts on film and sell the product on the Internet, in stores and in most hotel rooms for prurient reasons.
The hope to be found in all of this is that most of the world nudism is a non-issue. The last bastion of Puritanical repression is the United States. It will take time and much peaceful effort to change attitudes, to open up more public land for nude swimming and recreation, to change the laws to be more accepting. It's hard for me to fathom that where I live there is no nude beach at all, that I cannot legally on an hot day strip down and go swimming nude in any public area without risk of arrest or fine. This fear of our own naked selves is symptomatic of a society stewing in a sea of false morality and materialistic mania, resulting in a regimented and continually restrictive lifestyle for everyone. Overworked and underchallenged, forced to think with the masses and denied the pure and natural.
So, get naked and stay naked, take off your clothes whenever you can, experience the true natural state of the human body, and accept yourself for the wonderful person you are.
The Daily Newds
- Sandra Bullock Plays Naked Twister? [The National Ledger]
- Minneapolis Artist Needs Nude Men [Minnesota Public Radio]
- Another nude calendar for a good cause [mlive.com]
- Naked Sushi in Chicago [thetimesonline.com]
- Yet another nude calendar - this time it's French farmers! [Bloomberg.com]
- Candace Hough: Naked! [The Michigan Times]
- Nigerian Women Threaten Naked Protest [thestar.com]
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Wake Up People!
Monday, November 21, 2005
On Modesty and Shame
I asked my wife one question with regard to my nudity: "Can you give me one good reason for wearing clothes in the privacy of our home?"
Of course there is no good reason. Going naked in the home is natural and comfortable. Both my wife and I have seen each other naked enough so that we know each other's bodies as our own, so what is the purpose of covering up? Aside from the obviously practical reasons, such as for protection from cold or other hazards (I'm not keen on doing woodworking in the buff), the only reasons for wearing clothing in the home is to appease our own mental needs for modesty, and the imagined shame that results from exposing our "dirty parts".
Shame in our own nakedness is not surprising in our present-day American culture, given the national trauma we all witnessed when Janet Jackson exposed a breast. It's impossible to explain logically why the female breast, the source of nourishment for babies and the penultimate symbol of motherhood and love, can cause mass hysteria and mental damage to millions at simply being seen, or why the male nipple is perfectly acceptable at being exposed in virtually every public place in America while a nursing mother must cover up her breast or feed her baby in private.
So we are taught over and over that the naked body is something bad, to be hidden away and viewed only behind closed doors, that personal nudity is only OK when bathing or having sex. Yet we are in the midst of an exploding, billion dollar pornography industry, we make icons out of women who have sex on camera, we celebrate the annual Sports Illustrated bathing suit issue, but we cannot ourselves go to the beach and swim naked in the surf without risking a fine or police arrest.
We are told that it's shameful to expose the body, you must be modest, you must cover up, it's dirty to show your private parts, it's bad, it's filthy, it's abnormal. It has gotten so bad that religiously conservative politicians are draping cloth over nude statues, schools are removing artwork from exhibits that show the naked body, and women who bare their breasts as a form of protest risk being tagged as sex offenders.
And all the while billions of dollars are being hauled in by the pornography industry. Even the Ipod is being targeted for porn - this form of graphic, impersonal and degrading sex will now be in our cars, at our workplace and in our schools.
And here I sit nude. I am not a pornographer, I am not an exhibitionist, I am not a molestor, or an adulterer, or a pervert - I merely believe that human beings deserve the right to live in the natural state, free of clothing.
If you have not read the 205 Arguments and Observations in Support of Naturism (pdf file), I suggest that you take the time to look it over and try and play devil's advocate with any of the logical and reasonable points made. It is clear that in these United States we are almost hopelessly behind the rest of the world when it comes to attitudes toward the human body, but at the same time there is a growing movement of thousands of people who are seeking a more natural and relaxed way of life. Shedding clothes is free of cost, liberating, comfortable, exhilarating, sensual, normal, healthy, natural, and more.
All it takes to be naked is to take off your clothes and set aside modesty and shame. Children are not born modest or ashamed, these are taught, and for some people it might take a lot of courage to overcome years of having this mental block. All I can say is that I really wish that I had made the decision to live nude many years ago. Waiting to the age of 51 to come to terms with my own body and natural state is by no means too late, but the epiphany should have come much sooner. Don't make the same mistake, shed the false modesty and stop being ashamed - you are beautiful just as you were made.
Of course there is no good reason. Going naked in the home is natural and comfortable. Both my wife and I have seen each other naked enough so that we know each other's bodies as our own, so what is the purpose of covering up? Aside from the obviously practical reasons, such as for protection from cold or other hazards (I'm not keen on doing woodworking in the buff), the only reasons for wearing clothing in the home is to appease our own mental needs for modesty, and the imagined shame that results from exposing our "dirty parts".
Shame in our own nakedness is not surprising in our present-day American culture, given the national trauma we all witnessed when Janet Jackson exposed a breast. It's impossible to explain logically why the female breast, the source of nourishment for babies and the penultimate symbol of motherhood and love, can cause mass hysteria and mental damage to millions at simply being seen, or why the male nipple is perfectly acceptable at being exposed in virtually every public place in America while a nursing mother must cover up her breast or feed her baby in private.
So we are taught over and over that the naked body is something bad, to be hidden away and viewed only behind closed doors, that personal nudity is only OK when bathing or having sex. Yet we are in the midst of an exploding, billion dollar pornography industry, we make icons out of women who have sex on camera, we celebrate the annual Sports Illustrated bathing suit issue, but we cannot ourselves go to the beach and swim naked in the surf without risking a fine or police arrest.
We are told that it's shameful to expose the body, you must be modest, you must cover up, it's dirty to show your private parts, it's bad, it's filthy, it's abnormal. It has gotten so bad that religiously conservative politicians are draping cloth over nude statues, schools are removing artwork from exhibits that show the naked body, and women who bare their breasts as a form of protest risk being tagged as sex offenders.
And all the while billions of dollars are being hauled in by the pornography industry. Even the Ipod is being targeted for porn - this form of graphic, impersonal and degrading sex will now be in our cars, at our workplace and in our schools.
And here I sit nude. I am not a pornographer, I am not an exhibitionist, I am not a molestor, or an adulterer, or a pervert - I merely believe that human beings deserve the right to live in the natural state, free of clothing.
If you have not read the 205 Arguments and Observations in Support of Naturism (pdf file), I suggest that you take the time to look it over and try and play devil's advocate with any of the logical and reasonable points made. It is clear that in these United States we are almost hopelessly behind the rest of the world when it comes to attitudes toward the human body, but at the same time there is a growing movement of thousands of people who are seeking a more natural and relaxed way of life. Shedding clothes is free of cost, liberating, comfortable, exhilarating, sensual, normal, healthy, natural, and more.
All it takes to be naked is to take off your clothes and set aside modesty and shame. Children are not born modest or ashamed, these are taught, and for some people it might take a lot of courage to overcome years of having this mental block. All I can say is that I really wish that I had made the decision to live nude many years ago. Waiting to the age of 51 to come to terms with my own body and natural state is by no means too late, but the epiphany should have come much sooner. Don't make the same mistake, shed the false modesty and stop being ashamed - you are beautiful just as you were made.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
The Daily Newds
Something exciting is on the beach in Liverpool [Liverpool Daily Post]; I think that I shall never see a thing as lovely as a tree [KRON 4]; Nudity can be hazardous to your health [SUR]; Nude dancing threatens to bring a whole town down [Berkshire Eagle]; Howard Stern offers uncensored raw footage for a fee [The National Ledger]; Dispute over nude art exhibit in Indiana [The Shield]; Swimming naked with a New Zealand mayor [Scoop]; Australian community split over nude beach [ABC Australia]; Naked statue triggers mental imbalance [Discovery]; Nakedness is contempt of court [UPI]; Nakedness is teambuilding [Worldfootballers.com]; A British boy starts singing...naked [M&C Arts]; The naked truth about streaking [La Canada Valley Sun]...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Still Nude
When I made the decision to throw off my clothes and live life naked, I also threw off years of shame and false modesty about my own body. Living in the nude is not only liberating for the skin, it frees the mind and the emotional self from years and years of Puritanical repression. Although I am still primarily a closet nudist, that is, practicing at home and not in social settings, the transition from the world of clothes to the world of nudism is real.
Looking back, I have never been comfortable in clothes. All those hot and humid nights wearing briefs, all the summer days wearing a shirt and tie and hating the feeling of the clothes sticking to my skin - I only wish that I had come to my senses years ago. Now I sit at my computer completely nude and very comfortable, with no pants to bind by legs and waist and no shirt to rub on my skin. I feel happier and healthier both physically and mentally.
This is how people are meant to live. Clothes certainly serve a practical purpose as protection against the elements and other hazards, but at home or at the beach, there is no practical purpose to covering up. I love getting out of the shower in the morning and staying nude all day long, whenever I can. It has gotten to the point where my nakedness is far more normal for me than having to put on clothes. Whenever I do come home, the clothes go off, and I am instantly invigorated.
My wife has become very accepting of my nudity. At first she was a little nervous about my revelation - after all, I've been very modest for 25 years, especially for the last 20 while raising our child. My wife now understands that my nudism is healthy and normal, and she even told me that I had become a better man as a result. Being nude means that you have absolutely nothing to hide, and I firmly believe that a truer self can emerge when the clothes disappear.
So far my wife has not embraced nudism for herself. She does walk aroung naked more than she did before, and on a couple of occasions she has taken off her top when the heat was getting to her. She has expressed to me that she really likes wearing clothes. I think that if she accepts me naked then I have to respect her wish to remain her clothed. But last night she told me that it would be fun to go to a nude beach sometime. Hope springs eternal.
I have been unsuccessful at contacting a nudist organization in my area, although I have tried. The 2 listed clubs do not return e-mails, but there is a physical mailing address and I will drop them a line. It would be nice to meet up with some local naturists before venturing to a resort. I think my wife would be accepting of meeting up with a local group for a nude swim, but probably a little reticent to travel to a nudist club. I will post all progress here.
Get naked!
Looking back, I have never been comfortable in clothes. All those hot and humid nights wearing briefs, all the summer days wearing a shirt and tie and hating the feeling of the clothes sticking to my skin - I only wish that I had come to my senses years ago. Now I sit at my computer completely nude and very comfortable, with no pants to bind by legs and waist and no shirt to rub on my skin. I feel happier and healthier both physically and mentally.
This is how people are meant to live. Clothes certainly serve a practical purpose as protection against the elements and other hazards, but at home or at the beach, there is no practical purpose to covering up. I love getting out of the shower in the morning and staying nude all day long, whenever I can. It has gotten to the point where my nakedness is far more normal for me than having to put on clothes. Whenever I do come home, the clothes go off, and I am instantly invigorated.
My wife has become very accepting of my nudity. At first she was a little nervous about my revelation - after all, I've been very modest for 25 years, especially for the last 20 while raising our child. My wife now understands that my nudism is healthy and normal, and she even told me that I had become a better man as a result. Being nude means that you have absolutely nothing to hide, and I firmly believe that a truer self can emerge when the clothes disappear.
So far my wife has not embraced nudism for herself. She does walk aroung naked more than she did before, and on a couple of occasions she has taken off her top when the heat was getting to her. She has expressed to me that she really likes wearing clothes. I think that if she accepts me naked then I have to respect her wish to remain her clothed. But last night she told me that it would be fun to go to a nude beach sometime. Hope springs eternal.
I have been unsuccessful at contacting a nudist organization in my area, although I have tried. The 2 listed clubs do not return e-mails, but there is a physical mailing address and I will drop them a line. It would be nice to meet up with some local naturists before venturing to a resort. I think my wife would be accepting of meeting up with a local group for a nude swim, but probably a little reticent to travel to a nudist club. I will post all progress here.
Get naked!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Genitally Speaking
So how many friends, family and acquaintances do you have? And how many of them have you seen naked? I mean full-blown genital naked. Probably a small percentage. I've been taking stock of my own personal parade of people, in light of the fact that I have been completely nude for days now. I'm not going to keep track of the calendar count, let's just ssay that I'm naked to stay, this is the new norm...
Anyway, back to counting genital sightings. When I was a kid, I probably saw all my friends naked, whether peeing together (it was always a contest to see who could pee the longest), swimming naked at the Y, or changing clothes at summer camp. The genitals were no big deal.
In high school, we were naked in the locker room and shower, I remember freshman year taking stock of the guys who still had no pubic hair, by senior year everyone was hairy enough. Again, no big deal, it was social nudism without the label.
After high school is when things began to change, at least as far as I was concerned. At college I was in a dorm that had 2 floors of women and one floor of men. The coed situation completely stifled nudity, we were all very careful to wrap a towel around our waists, ot at least wear underwear when wandering the halls. There was no social nudism until..streaking! Yes, in 1974 the craze was in full bloom, and one warm Spring evening the urge to strip overcame about 50 guys and about 4 girls who managed to run around for about 10 minutes in the buff. I did not participate, even though I really wanted to, I tend to blame this on a Catholic upbringing that taught me that exposing the private parts in mixed company was verboten.
The streaking incidents continued that semester, but never en masse as that evening. I promised myself that I would run naked the next time there was a group event, but that never happened, and I kept my pants on.
Then comes work after college, no social nudity there. Then marriage, and children, and parties, and family, and friends, and doing everything according to the social mores. No genital viewings outside the marriage bed.
Certainly part of this is due to my own experiences, but undoubtedly this is also due to a narrowing of society's acceptance of social nudity, no more swinning at the Y without a suit, no more skinny dipping in the neighborhood pond. It is perfectly understandable why there is such a strong movement for nudism blossoming in America, because being nude is the natural state of a human being, and living a life completely clothed all the time is unnatural, unhealthy and incredibly puritanical.
Anyway, I ramble. If you are reading this, take off your clothes and leave them off, it's very liberating, and once you spend some time nude you will seriously wonder why you didn't take it all of a long time ago. And don't be afraid of your genitals, everyone has them...
Anyway, back to counting genital sightings. When I was a kid, I probably saw all my friends naked, whether peeing together (it was always a contest to see who could pee the longest), swimming naked at the Y, or changing clothes at summer camp. The genitals were no big deal.
In high school, we were naked in the locker room and shower, I remember freshman year taking stock of the guys who still had no pubic hair, by senior year everyone was hairy enough. Again, no big deal, it was social nudism without the label.
After high school is when things began to change, at least as far as I was concerned. At college I was in a dorm that had 2 floors of women and one floor of men. The coed situation completely stifled nudity, we were all very careful to wrap a towel around our waists, ot at least wear underwear when wandering the halls. There was no social nudism until..streaking! Yes, in 1974 the craze was in full bloom, and one warm Spring evening the urge to strip overcame about 50 guys and about 4 girls who managed to run around for about 10 minutes in the buff. I did not participate, even though I really wanted to, I tend to blame this on a Catholic upbringing that taught me that exposing the private parts in mixed company was verboten.
The streaking incidents continued that semester, but never en masse as that evening. I promised myself that I would run naked the next time there was a group event, but that never happened, and I kept my pants on.
Then comes work after college, no social nudity there. Then marriage, and children, and parties, and family, and friends, and doing everything according to the social mores. No genital viewings outside the marriage bed.
Certainly part of this is due to my own experiences, but undoubtedly this is also due to a narrowing of society's acceptance of social nudity, no more swinning at the Y without a suit, no more skinny dipping in the neighborhood pond. It is perfectly understandable why there is such a strong movement for nudism blossoming in America, because being nude is the natural state of a human being, and living a life completely clothed all the time is unnatural, unhealthy and incredibly puritanical.
Anyway, I ramble. If you are reading this, take off your clothes and leave them off, it's very liberating, and once you spend some time nude you will seriously wonder why you didn't take it all of a long time ago. And don't be afraid of your genitals, everyone has them...
Saturday, September 24, 2005
About 40 years ago, I lived near a YMCA and my friends and I would go to the pool on a weekly basis. Since it was only for men and boys, everybody swam naked. No matter how hard I try and think back on those days, I cannot remember one time whan any one of us was ashamed, or modest, or even aware that being nude was unusual at all. Society certainly has changed, public nudity ouside of a very few select places in the United States will get you arrested.
Swimming at the YMCA was a time of youthful joy. We would walk in, show our membership cards, throw our clothes in a locker and jump in the pool. No towels, no trouble, no cares, no bathing suits. We would just drip day and get back into our clothes a bit on the damp side, at worst smelling of chlorine but certainly not corrupted or even remotely harmed by the sight of each others penises and buttocks.
Today, in order to swim naked, one has to travel to a designated nude beach or join a "nudist club". How utterly twisted is that? Has society really sunk to such a point that the mere sight of an unclothed human body is a cause for alarm and legalities? It's perfectly acceptable to have nudity in movies, nudity in the home, nudity in magazines, nudity on cable television, etc., but a one second flash of Janet Jackson's breast is suddenly the end of civilization and we are all going to Hell.
No wonder that there is a growing nudist movement, a push for body acceptance and topfree equality. Millions of people are beginning to realize that the century old invention of the swimsuit was a stupid idea, that people are not meant to swim with wet garments sticking to their skin, or to sunbathe with strategically placed straps of fabric to cover nipples and genitals.
What is American society afraid of? Why have we become so hung up on the basic parts of the human body, parts that are shared by all of humankind? We all know what's under the bathing suits, yet we are not allowed to see.
Take off all of your clothes RIGHT NOW, get naked and stay naked, and once you do it you will find that clothes to not "make" the person, they merely cover up the true self.
Swimming at the YMCA was a time of youthful joy. We would walk in, show our membership cards, throw our clothes in a locker and jump in the pool. No towels, no trouble, no cares, no bathing suits. We would just drip day and get back into our clothes a bit on the damp side, at worst smelling of chlorine but certainly not corrupted or even remotely harmed by the sight of each others penises and buttocks.
Today, in order to swim naked, one has to travel to a designated nude beach or join a "nudist club". How utterly twisted is that? Has society really sunk to such a point that the mere sight of an unclothed human body is a cause for alarm and legalities? It's perfectly acceptable to have nudity in movies, nudity in the home, nudity in magazines, nudity on cable television, etc., but a one second flash of Janet Jackson's breast is suddenly the end of civilization and we are all going to Hell.
No wonder that there is a growing nudist movement, a push for body acceptance and topfree equality. Millions of people are beginning to realize that the century old invention of the swimsuit was a stupid idea, that people are not meant to swim with wet garments sticking to their skin, or to sunbathe with strategically placed straps of fabric to cover nipples and genitals.
What is American society afraid of? Why have we become so hung up on the basic parts of the human body, parts that are shared by all of humankind? We all know what's under the bathing suits, yet we are not allowed to see.
Take off all of your clothes RIGHT NOW, get naked and stay naked, and once you do it you will find that clothes to not "make" the person, they merely cover up the true self.
Friday, September 23, 2005
The Nudeness Continues
I'm still naked. Been naked for about 3 days now and am convinced that this is the way to live. Those of you who are out there reading this should take off all of your clothes RIGHT NOW and claim freedom from textiles.
Today I went out for lunch (with my clothes on), and when I came back I thought about keeping them on, but it only took about six seconds of contemplation before I stripped down. I immediately felt so much better, clothes are beginning to feel strange and cumbersome, and nudity is starting to feel the norm. I just hope that if the doorbell rings I don't forget myself and open the door stark naked.
The dilemma that I am having with my wife has been making positive progress. Although she has declared that her becoming a nudist will "never happen" and that she "likes wearing clothes", she stripped down last night to cuddle with me in front of the TV and remained nude all evening. We took photos of each other and set up the timer to take some shots of us together. Since we are 51 and 46 years of age we have far from perfect bodies, but we had a good laugh looking at the pictures, and somehow the one shot of us with our arms around each other, completely nude and smiling, is one of the nicest pictures we have of us together.
But today she was clothed again and I am nude. On the first day she told me at one point that this was all a little "weird", that perhaps this was a stepping stone to something deviant, but now I thing that she is getting used to having a nudist in the house, and when I kiss her and tell her that I love her, everything seems quite normal and healthy. She did state unconditionally that if Spencer Tunick ever did a group nude near us that she would do it, no reservations. Me thinks there is a nudist hiding inside her somewhere, and the coaxing must be gentle, subtle and slow.
So, where to go from here? My goal is to attend a social nudist event soon, and hopefully I will convince my wife to come along, preferably a swim. I have sent several e-mail inquiries to a couple of local groups, but have yet to receive an answer. I have also contacted AANR and told them that I was having some difficulty communicating with one local group that is listed on their registed. I will let you know how that goes.
One day at a time, the adventure continues...
Today I went out for lunch (with my clothes on), and when I came back I thought about keeping them on, but it only took about six seconds of contemplation before I stripped down. I immediately felt so much better, clothes are beginning to feel strange and cumbersome, and nudity is starting to feel the norm. I just hope that if the doorbell rings I don't forget myself and open the door stark naked.
The dilemma that I am having with my wife has been making positive progress. Although she has declared that her becoming a nudist will "never happen" and that she "likes wearing clothes", she stripped down last night to cuddle with me in front of the TV and remained nude all evening. We took photos of each other and set up the timer to take some shots of us together. Since we are 51 and 46 years of age we have far from perfect bodies, but we had a good laugh looking at the pictures, and somehow the one shot of us with our arms around each other, completely nude and smiling, is one of the nicest pictures we have of us together.
But today she was clothed again and I am nude. On the first day she told me at one point that this was all a little "weird", that perhaps this was a stepping stone to something deviant, but now I thing that she is getting used to having a nudist in the house, and when I kiss her and tell her that I love her, everything seems quite normal and healthy. She did state unconditionally that if Spencer Tunick ever did a group nude near us that she would do it, no reservations. Me thinks there is a nudist hiding inside her somewhere, and the coaxing must be gentle, subtle and slow.
So, where to go from here? My goal is to attend a social nudist event soon, and hopefully I will convince my wife to come along, preferably a swim. I have sent several e-mail inquiries to a couple of local groups, but have yet to receive an answer. I have also contacted AANR and told them that I was having some difficulty communicating with one local group that is listed on their registed. I will let you know how that goes.
One day at a time, the adventure continues...
Thursday, September 22, 2005
The First Post

I have been a closet nudist all of my life. I suspect, at least in some ways, you are too. Turning 51 recently has put me through something akin to a mid-life crisis, although I am probably past the middle of my life, and I have been doing a self-examination so that I can try and make the remaining years fruitful and fun.
As this diary progresses, I will be both relating my current experiences with nudism, and occasionally recalling the past. I have read a lot of articles on the Internet written by nudists, many recalling the first time experiencing social nudism, and many others praising the lifestyle and encouraging others to take the plunge. This diary starts today, at the beginning of my experience, and I will write about everything that happens to me from now until whenever.
The urge to be naked has been with me all of my life, yet I have supressed it in the last decade or so, even to the point of closing the door when I take a shower. Well, the kids are gone and it's just my wife and me now. Perhaps it was modesty, or false shame, or even poor body image issues that have caused me to suppress by nudism, but the time has come to change.
I remember many times in my youth being nude, and just how wonderful it was. It was never sexual, even in mixed company, but it was certainly sensual. Over time I will write about those moments from the past.
So, the moment of truth came 2 nights ago. My wife and I were goofing around, and for one reason or other I took off all my clothes and remained naked for the evening. She knows how modest I have been, and it was somewhat of a shock to her, but not in a negative way - she couldn't stop laughing. Was the sight of my bare behind bending over at the refrigerator really that funny? Or was it just that it was so unexpected? Perhaps both.
Anyway, I suddenly realized that there was absolutely no reason to wear clothes in the house when we are alone. Sure, you have to be practical, cover up when it is chilly, put on some pants when the man comes to read the gas meter. But wearing pajamas? Putting on clothes right away when getting out of the shower? Wearing a shirt and pants to watch TV? Certainly those are not situations requiring textiles on the skin.
So, there I was, doing everything I normally do, but naked as a jaybird. Other than the incessant giggling from my better half, it felt wonderful. Not a sexual turn-on, not deviant or exhibitionist, but just the way I am. And so comfortable! After an hour or so I declared that I was going to be nude all the time when practical. I went to bed nude, I got up nude, I showered nide, I made coffee and breakfast in the nude, and I went to work nude. Before you jump to conclusions, let me reveal that I work at home.
The next day my wife was just as tickled by the situation as she was the night before, sneaking a photo with her camera phone and making plenty of rude jokes. But ultimately this is not a joke, it is just a supressed part of me emerging, and the next post will deal with some of the issues this is creating in my marriage, and how I am going to try and take this to another level (social nudism). I do not know how this will all work out, I hope that you can share the adventure with me, but I promise you that this is real and true, I will not fabricate anything, good or bad, and I hope that you stay for the ride!
As this diary progresses, I will be both relating my current experiences with nudism, and occasionally recalling the past. I have read a lot of articles on the Internet written by nudists, many recalling the first time experiencing social nudism, and many others praising the lifestyle and encouraging others to take the plunge. This diary starts today, at the beginning of my experience, and I will write about everything that happens to me from now until whenever.
The urge to be naked has been with me all of my life, yet I have supressed it in the last decade or so, even to the point of closing the door when I take a shower. Well, the kids are gone and it's just my wife and me now. Perhaps it was modesty, or false shame, or even poor body image issues that have caused me to suppress by nudism, but the time has come to change.
I remember many times in my youth being nude, and just how wonderful it was. It was never sexual, even in mixed company, but it was certainly sensual. Over time I will write about those moments from the past.
So, the moment of truth came 2 nights ago. My wife and I were goofing around, and for one reason or other I took off all my clothes and remained naked for the evening. She knows how modest I have been, and it was somewhat of a shock to her, but not in a negative way - she couldn't stop laughing. Was the sight of my bare behind bending over at the refrigerator really that funny? Or was it just that it was so unexpected? Perhaps both.
Anyway, I suddenly realized that there was absolutely no reason to wear clothes in the house when we are alone. Sure, you have to be practical, cover up when it is chilly, put on some pants when the man comes to read the gas meter. But wearing pajamas? Putting on clothes right away when getting out of the shower? Wearing a shirt and pants to watch TV? Certainly those are not situations requiring textiles on the skin.
So, there I was, doing everything I normally do, but naked as a jaybird. Other than the incessant giggling from my better half, it felt wonderful. Not a sexual turn-on, not deviant or exhibitionist, but just the way I am. And so comfortable! After an hour or so I declared that I was going to be nude all the time when practical. I went to bed nude, I got up nude, I showered nide, I made coffee and breakfast in the nude, and I went to work nude. Before you jump to conclusions, let me reveal that I work at home.
The next day my wife was just as tickled by the situation as she was the night before, sneaking a photo with her camera phone and making plenty of rude jokes. But ultimately this is not a joke, it is just a supressed part of me emerging, and the next post will deal with some of the issues this is creating in my marriage, and how I am going to try and take this to another level (social nudism). I do not know how this will all work out, I hope that you can share the adventure with me, but I promise you that this is real and true, I will not fabricate anything, good or bad, and I hope that you stay for the ride!
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