Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
He's Naked, So Let's Kill Him
A New York lieutenant has been stripped of his gun and badge after ordering the use of a stun gun on a naked, distraught man, who died after falling 10 feet onto his head. Aside from allegedly jabbing at officers with a fluorescent light bulb and threatening suicide, the man's only crime appears to be the fact that he was naked.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Researching Nude Models
Clay Hipke acknowledges that his research will not "cure cancer or anything like that", but his study of nude artists' models has left a positive impression on him, and will serve as his doctoral dissertation.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
All Hail the Dartford Warbler
Anyone who says that nudism is for the birds is correct.
A nudist beach in the UK might be saved because it is the nesting place of the protected Dartford Warbler.
The beach is threatened by a proposed apartment development which would overlook the nude sunbathers and force them from the area.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
A nudist beach in the UK might be saved because it is the nesting place of the protected Dartford Warbler.
The beach is threatened by a proposed apartment development which would overlook the nude sunbathers and force them from the area.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Topless Photo Ruled Newsworthy
A $3 million dollar lawsuit over a topless photograph of Maria Kristina Dominguez published in a hip-hop magazine has been thrown out by a judge who ruled that "the photo was related to newsworthy issues of public interest and Dominguez in this instance had no right of privacy while cavorting topless except for pasties."
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Women Not Exercising Topfreedom Right in Denmark
I've noted several times that if public nudity were to become legal everywhere, very few people would actually take advantage of the right. In Copenhagen, women have topfreedom equality at city swimming pools, but since the law was passed in March, employees report that they have not seen one single bare-breasted woman.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Living the Shoeless Life
A Duke University student goes barefoot on campus for an afternoon and learns to embrace her bare tootsies.
As I drove to campus I knew what I was doing was wrong-at least on some level. And when I emerged from the Bryan Center parking garage I was visibly insecure. By the time I reached the Chapel, however, I began to embrace the experience of not wearing shoes. For it truly was an experience. I took a liking to the smooth stone leading me to the academic quad and found the dewed grass both a source of comfort and invigoration for my un-calloused, vulnerable feet. In a way I felt freer. As for the looks I received... they were a cross between confusion and judgment.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Topless OK, Full Nude No Way
Take a listen to these radioheads discussing whether or not it's appropriate to be nude in front of your children.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Annie Gives Bad Advice to Newbie Nudist
A 50 year-old woman finds herself in a situation where her husband and another couple want to go to a nude resort for a winter trip. While the woman has some experience with skinny-dipping and sleeping in the nude, she is worried about social nudity. She writes to Dear Annie:
Going to a lake is not the best way to have a first-time nudist experience. I don't know what lake they are talking about (Hippie Hollow?), but if it is isolated, there could be gawkers, thieves, and no guarantee for safety. A much better suggestion would be to make a day trip to a landed club. AANR lists several in Texas, where the woman is from. A club visit would be private and secure, and the management would be understanding and helpful for first-time visitors.
Dear Annie seems to get a lot of questions about nudity. Perhaps she should actually do some research before dispensing advice.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Our friends went to a nearby lake where nude bathing is allowed and enjoyed it a lot; hence their desire to go to a nude resort. They assure us the resort is clothing optional, so we don't have to undress if we feel uncomfortable. They assume we will feel totally comfortable au naturel once we are surrounded by other naked people.Annie responds:
...you should not feel forced to do something that makes you uncomfortable. Your friends' suggestion to check out the nearby lake is a good one. It will allow you to see what you are getting into, without making a vacation commitment unless you want to.Wrong.
Going to a lake is not the best way to have a first-time nudist experience. I don't know what lake they are talking about (Hippie Hollow?), but if it is isolated, there could be gawkers, thieves, and no guarantee for safety. A much better suggestion would be to make a day trip to a landed club. AANR lists several in Texas, where the woman is from. A club visit would be private and secure, and the management would be understanding and helpful for first-time visitors.
Dear Annie seems to get a lot of questions about nudity. Perhaps she should actually do some research before dispensing advice.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Woman Disturbed by Nude Co-Workers
A writer for the Washington City Paper is uncomfortable with the fact that a couple of her co-workers once went to Caliente Nudist Resort in Florida and posed nude for a cover of Creative Loafing Tampa.
At first I thought the article was tongue-in-cheek, but upon a second reading it's clear that this writer is genuinely disturbed by the fact that two people she knows actually got naked at a nudist resort and had their pictures taken.
It's precisely this sort of prudish attitude which keeps nudists and naturists "in the closet" regarding their lifestyles, that many people automatically assume that it's "saucy" or sexual.
It's just hard to fathom that a woman writer could have such a prudish attitude about simple nudity when sexually-charged images are ubiquitous, and especially when she works for a publication that has a section of personal ads called "Wild Side" which is hidden behind an adult materials disclaimer.
If the writer is so obsessed with the nudity of her co-workers, yet apparently unaffected by the "Kink Calendar" in the Personal section of her own newspaper, then the only fair thing she can do at this point is to do a report on a nudist resort, and get naked in the process.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
When the newspaper was unceremoniously dumped in my cubicle, I approached the cover as I would the site of a terrible collision: Not knowing what else to do, I simply stared, wondering why the tears were not coming...But while Scheinman and Reed were comfortable with their nude photo experience, I am not particularly comfortable with it. I generally am not opposed to the display of nude art in the workplace, but I do find saucy nude photographs of my co-workers moderately disturbing.Saucy? Take a look at the photos here. The guys are just naked, with their genitals covered. Another photo shows them with a nude woman, again all "offending" regions covered.
At first I thought the article was tongue-in-cheek, but upon a second reading it's clear that this writer is genuinely disturbed by the fact that two people she knows actually got naked at a nudist resort and had their pictures taken.
It's precisely this sort of prudish attitude which keeps nudists and naturists "in the closet" regarding their lifestyles, that many people automatically assume that it's "saucy" or sexual.
It's just hard to fathom that a woman writer could have such a prudish attitude about simple nudity when sexually-charged images are ubiquitous, and especially when she works for a publication that has a section of personal ads called "Wild Side" which is hidden behind an adult materials disclaimer.
If the writer is so obsessed with the nudity of her co-workers, yet apparently unaffected by the "Kink Calendar" in the Personal section of her own newspaper, then the only fair thing she can do at this point is to do a report on a nudist resort, and get naked in the process.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
12 Photos That Should Never Have Been Posted Online
Porn Probe Over Breastfeeding Photos
It is reported that a federal pornography investigation has been launched over photos showing Jamie Lynn Spears breastfeeding her baby.
It is alleged that Casey Aldridge, the baby's father, took a series of photos of Spears, one with her breast exposed, and then took them to Wal-Mart to be printed, and someone made copies with the intention to sell.
First of all, the nude female breast is not pornographic at any age. Secondly, breastfeeding is not a pornographic act. And third, by virtue of bearing a child, Spears is an adult, even if she is still 17 years of age. If they can put minors on trial for adult crimes, then society can consider under-18 people to be adults for other reasons, too.
Yes, Aldridge is an idiot for taking the photos to Wal-Mart in the first place. Can't these people afford a photo printer?
Yes, taking the photos for purposes of profiteering is theft, and the perpetrator should be punished.
But child pornography?
There is no doubt that in our celebrity breast-obsessed society, that the photos of Spears breastfeeding her child would be sensational, but it is not likely that any US publication would touch them. Perhaps the pornography charge is just being floated as a scare tactic to discourage their sale.
It's just disheartening to hear the words "child pornography" paired with "breastfeeding mother", especially when so many women have fought so long and hard for their rights to nurse in public.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
It is alleged that Casey Aldridge, the baby's father, took a series of photos of Spears, one with her breast exposed, and then took them to Wal-Mart to be printed, and someone made copies with the intention to sell.
First of all, the nude female breast is not pornographic at any age. Secondly, breastfeeding is not a pornographic act. And third, by virtue of bearing a child, Spears is an adult, even if she is still 17 years of age. If they can put minors on trial for adult crimes, then society can consider under-18 people to be adults for other reasons, too.
Yes, Aldridge is an idiot for taking the photos to Wal-Mart in the first place. Can't these people afford a photo printer?
Yes, taking the photos for purposes of profiteering is theft, and the perpetrator should be punished.
But child pornography?
Because Jamie Lynn is a minor, selling the photos — or buying them — could constitute a violation of federal laws prohibiting pornography. Peddling pictures of a minor's breast — even if not taken for sexual purposes, could land the seller and buyer in federal prison if they are marketed across state lines for the purpose of being lurid, according to TMZ.The key word here is "could". It is highly doubtful that any jury would find the photos of a breastfeeding mother to be pornographic. If that were to occur, would that mean that state breastfeeding laws would have to be amended to allow only those mothers 18 and older to be able to nurse their children in public? The ramifications are frightening.
There is no doubt that in our celebrity breast-obsessed society, that the photos of Spears breastfeeding her child would be sensational, but it is not likely that any US publication would touch them. Perhaps the pornography charge is just being floated as a scare tactic to discourage their sale.
It's just disheartening to hear the words "child pornography" paired with "breastfeeding mother", especially when so many women have fought so long and hard for their rights to nurse in public.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Monday, September 22, 2008
A True Naturist

Although I have not met her, Gennifer Moss, also known as "Jennifer Moss", "The Pastie Lady" or "The Naked Lady", seems to me to embody all of the best qualities embraced by naturists and nudists. The one quality she has which sets her apart is her unabashed fearlessness. Most nudists and naturists are afraid of even admitting to family, friends and co-workers that they enjoy social nudism, but Gen embraces her nudity without shame.
Not to be confused with NakedJen, Moss appears to have taken on the moniker "Earth Friend Gen", and has a web page here.
As one of the comments on her page noted, anyone can take off their clothes, but not everyone can have the level of commitment shown by Gen. She has become the nude celebrity du jour, surpassing Andrew Martinez (Berkeley's naked guy), Stephen Gough (the Naked Rambler), George Davis of San Francisco, and others in her success when it comes to public nudity. No doubt that her gender has a lot to do with it - naked men are seen as flashers or perverts, but a naked women appears more vulnerable, and less threatening.
Gen also seems to have no agenda other than to promote peace through the celebration of nature and the human body. Some will certainly consider Gen's philosophy to be a little "far out", but it's hard to argue against her sincerity.
I certainly hope that Gennifer Moss is the real deal, because its people like her that have the courage and fortitude who can make a difference in altering public perceptions. Please stay real, Gen.
Update: Here is a blog reaction which echoes my sentiment that Gen is to be admired for her willingness to put her head on the "chopping block", so to speak.
Update 2: Here is a link to a news story that also has an interview with Gen.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Not to be confused with NakedJen, Moss appears to have taken on the moniker "Earth Friend Gen", and has a web page here.
As one of the comments on her page noted, anyone can take off their clothes, but not everyone can have the level of commitment shown by Gen. She has become the nude celebrity du jour, surpassing Andrew Martinez (Berkeley's naked guy), Stephen Gough (the Naked Rambler), George Davis of San Francisco, and others in her success when it comes to public nudity. No doubt that her gender has a lot to do with it - naked men are seen as flashers or perverts, but a naked women appears more vulnerable, and less threatening.
Gen also seems to have no agenda other than to promote peace through the celebration of nature and the human body. Some will certainly consider Gen's philosophy to be a little "far out", but it's hard to argue against her sincerity.
I certainly hope that Gennifer Moss is the real deal, because its people like her that have the courage and fortitude who can make a difference in altering public perceptions. Please stay real, Gen.
Update: Here is a blog reaction which echoes my sentiment that Gen is to be admired for her willingness to put her head on the "chopping block", so to speak.
Update 2: Here is a link to a news story that also has an interview with Gen.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Poetry in the Raw

Missie Peters and Steven J. Thompson are baring all on stage for a poetry reading designed to raise some cash so they can compete in a national Canadian competition. So how does it feel to be completely naked on stage?
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
"Unbelievably empowering," Peters said immediately.At last year's inaugural event, dozens of people were turned away at the door, so the reading has been moved to a larger venue where 250 people are expected.
But scary, no?
Peters confessed, in the weeks leading up to last year's nude reading, she was a little
"I'm not gonna lie," she said. "I was practicing in front of my mirror every night for a month. Getting up there naked, doing my piece ... It's a big deal. You suddenly have no defences. The clothes we wear kind of keep us intact. Naked, you can't hide who you are."
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Nudity as a Human Right
The Kapiti Coast District Council in New Zealand is being forced to further explain its position on beach nudity after a flood of angry emails crashed its system.
When the council recognizes that bylaws against simple nudity breach the Bill of Rights Act, they truly act as representatives of all the people.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Council chief executive Pat Dougherty said there was a lot of concern in the community and he wanted to stress that the council was not promoting nudity in its draft beach bylaw. Any offensive or lewd behaviour would be dealt with by police. In an effort to allay public concern it has taken out an advertisement in a local newspaper explaining its position.And they should stick to this basic principle. Laws prohibiting nude sunbathing and swimming go against nature. The mere sight of a nude human body has never caused anyone any harm. Prudes always express concern about "the children", but the opposite is true: children are natural nudists, willing to toss off their clothes at the drop of a hat, and they are unaffected by the sight of other nude bodies.
Mr Dougherty said the bylaw had not been passed. Submissions on it close on October 24.
When the council's regulatory and management committee approved the draft bylaw earlier this month, Mayor Jenny Rowan said she supported the council's stance, saying the beach was a place for the general public, in accordance with the Human Rights Act, unless they were being offensive. She later explained that the draft bylaw was about more than nudity.
The council did not endorse nudity on its beaches without any reservations, she said. "Bylaws against nakedness are vulnerable in that they breach the Bill of Rights Act. Recent case law says that merely being naked does not make a person liable to causing an offence."
When the council recognizes that bylaws against simple nudity breach the Bill of Rights Act, they truly act as representatives of all the people.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Weekend Newds 9/21/08
Catching up with a few news items:
- A recent study shows that nude artists' models are more concerned with holding a pose than with being naked.
- Can eating in the nude help you to lose weight?
- In Chilean clubs, boys and girls ages 14 to 18 are stripping off their shirts, revealing bras, tattoos and nipple rings.
- A New Zealand plumber stripped off in celebration of National Nude Day. Same for a butcher.
- An Australian streaker literally knocked himself out doing a cartwheel on a football field.
- In Germany, the title of FKK (free body culture) is being used more and more for brothels and sex clubs.
- "Mommy, look, that man is naked!"
- Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" was performed in the nude this past weekend.

Last night I watched Nicholas Roeg's 1970 film "Walkabout" for the first time since I saw it in a theatre on its original release.
Roeg once described his film as "a simple story about life and being alive, not covered with sophistry but addressing the most basic human themes; birth, death, mutability".
The film follows a girl and her young brother as they are lost in the Australian Outback, and eventually befriended by an Aborigine boy who is on his "walkabout" rite of passage.
Eventually, the children shed the trappings of society, even their clothing, and swim naked without shame.
The swimming scene shown in the photo above proves to be the girl's most idyllic memory of the experience, something which haunts her in later life. I think it's because the moment is no pure, so natural, and so far removed from the stresses of modern life, it serves as a constant reminder of her humanity in a world which serves to suppress it.
Perhaps not intentionally, Roeg has made a strong statement in favor of naturism. For the girl, played by Jenny Agutter, her time in the Outback is a life changing event, forcing her from a schoolgirl's rigid regimen of uniforms and mathematics, into a world where survival is first and foremost. After all the suffering, the hunger, the thirst, and the fear, she discovers true happiness by swimming nude in a lagoon.
Civilization does not stop, but as humans we try to escape the stress now and then. In America, with many working two jobs and taking fewer vacations, people are becoming more and more trapped by the machinations of society. In such a climate, nudism and naturism should thrive. You know how good it feels to take off your shoes after a long day? That feeling is multiplied tenfold when you take off everything.
We don't have to be lost in the wilderness struggling for survival to discover our own humanity, but we do have to come to the realization that we are lost in civilization, tied up in it's increasingly complex rules and regulations. We all need a "walkabout" now and then.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Roeg once described his film as "a simple story about life and being alive, not covered with sophistry but addressing the most basic human themes; birth, death, mutability".
The film follows a girl and her young brother as they are lost in the Australian Outback, and eventually befriended by an Aborigine boy who is on his "walkabout" rite of passage.
Eventually, the children shed the trappings of society, even their clothing, and swim naked without shame.
The swimming scene shown in the photo above proves to be the girl's most idyllic memory of the experience, something which haunts her in later life. I think it's because the moment is no pure, so natural, and so far removed from the stresses of modern life, it serves as a constant reminder of her humanity in a world which serves to suppress it.
Perhaps not intentionally, Roeg has made a strong statement in favor of naturism. For the girl, played by Jenny Agutter, her time in the Outback is a life changing event, forcing her from a schoolgirl's rigid regimen of uniforms and mathematics, into a world where survival is first and foremost. After all the suffering, the hunger, the thirst, and the fear, she discovers true happiness by swimming nude in a lagoon.
Civilization does not stop, but as humans we try to escape the stress now and then. In America, with many working two jobs and taking fewer vacations, people are becoming more and more trapped by the machinations of society. In such a climate, nudism and naturism should thrive. You know how good it feels to take off your shoes after a long day? That feeling is multiplied tenfold when you take off everything.
We don't have to be lost in the wilderness struggling for survival to discover our own humanity, but we do have to come to the realization that we are lost in civilization, tied up in it's increasingly complex rules and regulations. We all need a "walkabout" now and then.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Clothing as a Sexual Fetish
An article on sexual fetishes explores the role of clothing as an expression of sexuality.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Everything we do as humans, represents something hidden within. Our bodies are essentially ‘billboards for our minds’ and we outwardly express our ideas, thoughts and feeling in how we dress and appear to others. From ancient religious pageants through glossy period drama and all the way to the latest catwalk fashion show, we see costume based on sexual theatrics acted out with both naivety and carnality in equal measures.Nudism is the anti-fetish. Without clothing, the body is actually de-sexualized, there is no more mystery, no more tease. Some might decry this loss of mystique, but the gains are far greater. Social nudity dissolves the false social barriers and restores balance to the mind. Our perceptions of what we look like as people have been formed by idealized imagery in movies, on television, and in magazines, and nudism provides a means to discover what real people actually look like.
Moral codes and sexual etiquette in a society are clearly represented in fashion where people adorn layer upon layer of symbolic meaning and cloth is cut to attract or divert attention to erogenous zones. One only has to think of the Victorians to see where such prudish people opted for the most restrictive, figure enhancing attire possible. It would be fair to say that much of the dress up aspect of fetish culture is an adventurous advancement on the British favourite - the ‘Vicars and Tarts’ party. Similarly, when Hallowe’en comes around, adults seize the opportunity to dress up – with particular emphasis on sexually provocative characters and alter-egos.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
SFPD Tells Nude Demonstrators to Cover Up
A report from a participant:
My friend George Davis had a long discussion with the driver of the SFPD car, probably a Sergeant; and, eventually, George got dressed also. Then the officer emerged from his car, and conducted a polite conversation with several of us; most of which was video-taped. At all times, his tone was cordial and respectful.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
So far as I know, there was NO rudeness or other misbehavior by any officer at this incident; nor by any demonstrator.
I understand that Mr. Davis MAY file a complaint against the police officers, and/or the SF Police Department. Since he is an honest and truthful person, I don't expect him to allege that any rudeness or violence occurred.
Presumably his complaint, IF any, would concern the lawfulness (or not) of SFPD's actions here -- in that SFPD interrupted a completely lawful nude political demonstration, and ordered the demonstrators to "cover up"; and thereby violated the civil rights and civil liberties of the demonstrators, and also the general public's right to receive political ideas conveyed by such a demonstration.
Weighty Issue
Rosemary McLeod is afraid, very afraid, of the prospect of nude bodies on the Kapiti Coast.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Councils should in all fairness introduce bylaws about visual offensiveness to offset future shocks, especially with 20 percent of the population currently being defined as obese.Obviously, Rosemary has never actually been to a beach, because swimsuits do not hide the fact that some people are "fatties". It's a false argument to contend that people in bathing suits are less visually offensive than those who are nude. In fact, most people actually look better completely naked than they do squeezed like a sausage into a wet, sandy bathing suit. Rosemary's smug and condescending article is a prime example of what is wrong with a society which defines people primarily on the basis of physical attractiveness.
Has anyone thought about the baleful effect on children of the sight of quivering fatties cavorting with beach balls? And mightn't they put many visually sensitive people off going to the beach at all?
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Jennifer Moss Asked to Cover Up in Portland
One report says she was arrested, another says that she was just told to cover up, but Jennifer Moss was apparently skating nude in Portland, Oregon, when some construction workers complained to police. Police said that callers were "concerned about her safety". None of this makes much sense, hopefully Jen will get out her side of the story.
UPDATE: Another report says that Jen was not arrested, and that a crowd booed when she was told to cover her genitals. Jen put on a bikini bottom and continued on her way. This story also confirms that calls to the police were not angry complaints, but mostly concerns that Jen's nudity put her in some sort of danger.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
UPDATE: Another report says that Jen was not arrested, and that a crowd booed when she was told to cover her genitals. Jen put on a bikini bottom and continued on her way. This story also confirms that calls to the police were not angry complaints, but mostly concerns that Jen's nudity put her in some sort of danger.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Nude Bartender Pinched
A 33 year-old woman has been charged with misdemeanor public indecency for bartending in the nude. There were apparently no complaints - the naked lady was spotted by sheriff's deputies on a routine check.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Saturday, September 20, 2008
"Busting Out!"

It all starts when Emma Powell and Bev Killick go topfree as the audience yells "Show us your tits!".
"I've never had a problem with nudity at all," she (Killick) says. "To be in a show where I can be funny, dance a little, sing a little, act a little and get my boobs out, how good is that?"Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Powell, by contrast, says she could never have done the show 10 years ago. "I'm actually quite modest by nature. But being late 30s when I started, I thought, 'this is who I am, there's nothing I can do about it'."
Bali Hide
Jakarta's new Muslim-based pornography law threatens tourism and the native lifestyle of Hindu Bali.
Luh Anggraeni of the Bali People's Component, an umbrella group of artists and intellectuals opposed to the draft law, said it would criminalise innocent people who did not follow strict Islamic notions of decency.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
"So we will see more women and men arrested in future because they wear clothes or stage art performances that according to the hardliners are violating the pornography law," she said.
The same bill drew large protests in Bali and other islands two years ago, but Jakarta-based MPs backed by Muslim parties have pushed ahead with the plan and parliament is expected to pass it into law in October.
Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika has said the bill fails to consider cultural diversity in a nation which stretches from the conservative Islamic province of Aceh to the animist highlands of Papua, where women go topless and men wear almost nothing but long gourds on their penises.
"It should provide sufficient space to accommodate the prevailing local wisdom in different communities across the nation," former police detective Pastika was quoted as saying in The Jakarta Post.
"Many people in Papua still live naked or half-naked. Are we going to arrest them all?"
Opera and Nudity?

The two are merging.
How explicit? On Tuesday the soprano Karita Mattila returns to the Metropolitan Opera to portray the title character in Strauss’s “Salome,” a revival of the modern-dress Jürgen Flimm production created for Ms. Mattila and introduced at the Met in 2004.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Ms. Mattila’s emotionally intense, vocally molten and psychologically exposed portrayal four years ago made her seem born to this daunting role. And yes, during her uninhibited and kinetically choreographed performance of the “Dance of the Seven Veils,” she shed item after item of a Marlene Dietrich-like white tuxedo costume until, in an exultant — and brief — final flourish, she twirled around half-crazed and totally naked. Expect the same this time.
Nudism Researcher Dies at 87
Noted sex therapist and researcher Marilyn Fithian has died at age 87 in Long Beach, California.
Her master's thesis was based on research about nudism that she conducted with (William E.) Hartman, who had been one of her professors at Long Beach. They interviewed 2,600 people at 150 nudist camps around the country over eight years and in 1970 published their survey, "Nudist Society," which found that those who chose clothing-free environments were generally well-educated and married.As she told Robert A. Georges and Michael Owen Jones in their book "People Studying People," she reluctantly disrobed before interviewing nudists and was immediately identified as a "cottontail," or non-nudist, because of telltale tan lines.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Nude Photos No Problem for Canadian Politician
Sharon Smith, the mayor of Houston, B. C., says that nude photos taken of her 5 years ago are no problem to her Conservative party.
"They've known since I put my name forward for the riding and the federal candidacy," she said.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Smith calls the photos "a personal thing" that should have no impact in her future political career.
"My community has spoken to me," she said. "They reelected me for a second term as mayor and people say they want me to represent them, so that's what I'm going on."
Appearing at a luncheon with Smith in Smithers, Conservative Gary Lunn says the
photos don't matter to the party.
"This election is about leadership. Sharon has shown leadership in the riding and on council so we're very proud to have her as our candidate here," he said.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Nudist Photo of the Day 9/17/08

Hurrican Ike knocked out our power and Internet access for 3 days, so here are 3 new photos to make up for the lack of posting. Hopefully I will find more time later today to catch up with some news and issues.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Sunday, September 14, 2008
New Zealand to Create 45km Nude Beach

The Kapiti Coast could soon become one of the world's longest nude beaches.
Kapiti Mayor Jenny Rowan and 10 councillors unanimously supported the stance to be included in the draft bylaw. A staff report on the issue said naked sunbathing or swimming on a beach was not considered offensive behaviour in modern society.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
"In this age of greater freedom of expression and perhaps greater tolerance to nakedness, bylaws restricting the rights of law-abiding naturists are vulnerable on the basis that they breach ... the Bill of Rights Act," the report said.
Case law quoted in the report stated that "merely being naked on a beach does not render a person liable to causing an offence".
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Buckeye Bares Naturist Club Suspends Activity
The Buckeye Bares naturist group in the Akron/Canton area of Ohio has suspended its activities due to "business and personal time limitations". The club had been active for only about a year. This was not a big surprise to me because they stopped responding to emails months ago. The Buckeye Naturists club in Columbus is also suffering from management indifference, and is on the verge of insolvency. It's difficult to maintain enthusiasm in Ohio naturist non-landed groups due to a lack of acceptable venues, and a severe gender imbalance among the members. It's all pretty depressing.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Eating in the Raw
Naturism is taken to the extreme in Andalusia, where nudism and the consumption of nothing but raw food meet to create a modern paradise.
Far from cities, pollution, smog, noise of the modern world and destructive people, La Cascada is in the midst of pure nature surrounded by fruit trees giving our daily healthful food, self-sufficient, in independence, in peace and love developing into a true human being, that's our dream and the dream we'd like to share with you! Individualism and egoism are a sign of sickness, in the universe one is like the other, we can't be separated.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
We need the nature, healthful organic food, powerful work in our garden, people with the same ideas, sun, warmth and a direct relation to the elements of nature. You are welcome to come to Andalusia and live in pure nature all the year round!
Australian Says Nudists Have No Rights

A local politician is campaigning against turning Mudjimba Beach into a clothing-optional area.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
“If they want a separate place of their own, they should raise funds as other clubs do, buy some land, build a fence, hire their own security and pay for the own lifeguards,” she said.Don't nudists pay taxes, too? On what basis can any government deny their citizens equal rights under the law? If anyone takes offense at naturists sunning on the beach, a simple system of signs should be sufficient to alert the prudes.
“Ratepayers and taxpayers should not be expected to pay for the whims of nudists.”
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Dressing for God

Christian naturists believe that the human body is God's greatest creation, and that covering it with textiles is actually encouraging sin, rather than the generally accepted opposite. And while most organized places of worship have not gone nude, they have dramatically scaled back any dress codes.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
At Unity on the Bay Miami, for example, there's no dress code and ''what would be considered inappropriate at another church is not looked at as inappropriate here,'' said Gema Valdes, director of communication and marketing. ``They wear anything from their Sunday best to shorts and flip-flops. Unity is a come-as-you-are type of church.''Jodie's experience is a prime example of how clothing can actually act as a barrier between people, and creates a false image. While authorities are actually arresting people in Florida for baggy pants, it's refreshing to read that some people are coming to the realization that our society's obsession with fashion and clothing is significantly less important than the people who wear them.
So is Flamingo Road Church in Cooper City, where even lead pastor Troy Gramling dons ''jeans and comfortable cool shirts,'' said pastor Heather Palacios. At one of the church's satellite campuses -- Regal Cinemas at Sawgrass Mills -- you can't tell the parishioners from the movie-goers.
Jodie Kolipinski, 30, usually wears a sundress and nice sandals or flip-flops to Flamingo Road. Recently, she visited a friend's church when she left work, dressed in her nurse's scrubs. ''I felt out of place because everyone was dressed up,'' she said. 'Guys were in suits, women were in high heels and hats and little boys wore dress shirts, nice pants and shiny black shoes, but everyone smiled. They were very welcoming. I wish my friend had said, `Change your clothes before you come.' ''
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Public Support for Adult Businesses
When reports of the opening of a nude dancing club and sex toys store opened in Cherokee County, Kansas, Commissioners acted quickly to pass new resolutions aimed at limiting the activity, but public responses to a local newspaper showed a surprising attitude.
The vast majority of those who submitted comments for publication had no problem with another club of this kind opening in the county. In fact, the problem they had is with people attempting to stifle free enterprise. Who knew?Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
“I don’t know what your problem is with some nude dancing. It’s not like they’re coming to your front lawn or in the public streets. These people don’t come and raise hell every time you open a church. Hell, church members come to your door preaching. These people are behind closed doors. If you don’t like it, don’t visit the establishment. What are they hurting? Are you suffering from their dancing? I didn’t think so.”
Love Banned in Michigan
The Michigan Supreme Court sided with the city of Roseville for banning the use of the word "love" on the bare breast of Eve depicted on a "Creation of Man" mural. The bare breast can stay, but the word must go. Is this really what our judicial system is being used for? What was the cost to taxpayers for this fiasco?
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Friday, September 12, 2008
Kinsey Hosts Nude Photo Exhibition
The Kinsey Institute Gallery is hosting a show of 60 photographs by artist Herbert Ascherman, Jr.
Ascherman, who lives in Cleveland, has been doing nude photography for nearly 40 years and has done portraits and other projects for 33 years. This is his second time showcasing these particular pieces. His first time presenting these pieces was in Cleveland for his community, the artist said.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
After 40 years of doing the nude photographs, he had a large archive of prints sitting in his basement. He wanted the prints to live long after he did, and to be preserved for students and scholars to study in years to come. The Kinsey Institute was the most prominent place to donate the approximate 500 photos, he said.
Ascherman urges people to understand the difference between nudity and pornography. It is the intentions on how the human body is being portrayed, he said.
"My imagery is to show how beautiful the human body is.”
Right to Bare Breasts
A college student believes in her right to bare breasts.
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National Go Topless Protest Day is a day that deserves respect, not a pair of handcuffs. Across the country, women are repeatedly being arrested, fined, humiliated and criminalized for letting 'em hang loose, just like men. The US organization, GoTopless.org, believes that women have the same right to be bare-chested in public places as men. That's gender equality at its finest, folks. Rael, spiritual leader and founder of the organization, states, "As long as men can be topless, constitutionally women should have the same right, or men should also be forced to wear something hiding their chest." Amen, brother.In a related article, an Ohio University student calls for a ban on the exposure of male nipples.
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Freehiker Arrested in Switzerland
Police are responding to reports of more frequent incidents of nude hikers, sometimes in groups, in eastern Switzerland.
...a man from Basel told his local paper that he went hiking in the nude once or twice a week.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
"To sit down for a bit on a rock and feel its warmth directly on your skin, then to take a dip in the river, and continue your walk afterwards – it's a wonderful feeling to move around freely," he said.
New Zealand Pool Bans Nude Children
A school in Christchurch has been told to stop allowing its 5 year-old students to change their clothes in front of adults, and to use the privacy rooms.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Bob McCoskrie, of lobby group Family First, said it was a sad reality of high-profile cases of child pornography and paedophilia that parents now needed to "err on the side of modesty".Here's another article on prudes gone wild.
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