Thursday, October 16, 2008

Advice for American Prudes

A writer on, who was raised in Europe, is amazed at the prudishness of Americans.
We are not taught to cover up our bodies, to hide our boobs when we're three years old, or to be ashamed when we see a naked body on television. Maybe in America, the very thing that is trying to "protect" us is having the exact opposite effect. Why else would so many women and girls be ashamed to do simple things like change in front of friends or wear a bathing suit?!
Her advice to everyone is to get naked at the next opportunity and shed some of that American shame.

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1 comment:

Rick said...

The American neo-puritanism mindset of "protecting" our citizens (especially the children)from nudity is having exactly the opposite effect from what the they intended. This attitude only increases our curiosity about the human body and represses our natural inclinations. When something is repressed it tends to come out in unacceptable ways and we turn to less healthy outlets to satisfy this curiosity.

The culture of body shame is not uniquely American but it is certainly an identifying characteristic of our culture. Most of the rest of the world has no problem with nudity. We should be asking ourselves if maybe it's us that has the problem and not the rest of the world?

I saw on comment to the article that mentioned modesty. Most Americans don't understand the concept of modesty. Modesty is not about whether you're covered or not, it's about how you comport yourself, regardless of what you're wearing or not wearing.