Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Daily Newds

  • In Korea and Japan, Valentine's Day is when a woman expresses her appreciation for the man in her life, and there are 13 suggestions for becoming a Geisha to a Samurai Warrior.
    12. Best of all: make him feel like your sexual Samurai Warrior by giving him total credit for your sexual excitement and orgasm/by making him feel like your hero. Be noisy; scream in ecstasy. Come hard and long. And often. (No faking, only enthusiasm!).
  • The Sex Workers Show at the College of William and Mary drew an overflow crowd.
    “How many came here to see naked ladies?” asked Annie Oakley, the organization's founder. The response was less than enthusiastic. “It's okay to like naked ladies,” she said. “Usually they are only allowed to be naked ladies.” Her message was that sex workers, which include strippers, escorts and prostitutes, should be taken seriously.
  • "How to Look Good Naked" is coming to Lifetime TV.
    Series focuses on one woman in each half-hour episode who hates her body so much that she wants a complete makeover. Goal is to change the woman's perception of herself without resorting to interventions like plastic surgery, dieting or exercise.
  • In Australia, if you are completely nude on a public beach, it is not illegal for someone to take your photograph without your permission.
  • Children who are breastfed are 41% more likely to climb up the social ladder as adults.
  • Erotic dancers who were arrested in Malta last November have been cleared of all charges.
    The magistrate said that today the younger generation is more daring and that the morality standards of the society have progressed. He said also that today we are free to buy a service or not according to our personal moral standards.
  • Detroit Lions defensive line coach Joe Cullen has been given probation for driving nude and ordering a Biggie Meal at a Wendy's restaurant.
  • The art of the nude is making a big comeback in Paris.
  • Legislation is being considered in Texas to levy heavy fees on strip clubs and their patrons to raise money for sexual assault prevention.
    "To say there's a link between sexual assault and gentlemen's clubs is ludicrous," said Angelina Spencer, the executive director for the Association of Club Executives. "These taxes are a ruse to burden the club owner because somebody finds the business morally reprehensible."

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1 comment:

dino_blogs said...

i live in the middle east, can u tell me how i can spread the idea of nudism here?