Friday, July 03, 2009

Naked Parenting Ruled Not Neglectful

The Utah Court of Appeals ruled that a man who walked around nude in front of his adoptive children was not neglectful, reversing the finding of a juvenile court.

Details of the case are sketchy, and that's one of the reasons for the reversal, but it appears that there were other circumstances that the court found "troubling" about the case, and the children will remain in state custody because they are without proper care.

The bottom line seems to be that this man was failing as a parent, and he even agreed with the court on the dependency issue, but his arrest for "lewdness" was inappropriate, and mere nudity was not a reason to put him in jail.

Had the court upheld the lower court decision, any parent showering or bathing with their children, taking kids to a nudist venue, or even changing clothes in front of a minor child could be considered engaging in lewd behavior.

If anyone has further details on this case, please contact me at

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