I'm still struggling to get over a devastating cold/flu that has dogged me for nearly two weeks. Now I know why people actually die from the flu, and why people get their shot every year. This thing has gone from my throat, to my lungs, to my ear, back to my throat, etc. Anyway, last night was the first full uninterrupted sleep in a while, so I am definitely feeling much better. Just following doctor's orders to stay horizontal and drink lots of fluids, and hopefully I won't relapse again so I can get back to a regular blogging schedule. Again, thanks to all who stop by every day, I appreciate your interest and support.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Politics of Appearance

As a society, we are getting to a point where our obsession on looks is beginning to obscure anything else that is truly important about a person. Today, the truly despicable Rush Limbaugh took politics to the most extreme, actually wondering out loud if Hillary Clinton simply looks to old to be President of the United States.
Everybody's trying to make themselves look different -- and in that situation, in that case, they think they're making themselves look better. It's just the way our culture has evolved. It's the way the country is. It's like almost an addiction that some people have to what I call the perfection that Hollywood presents of successful, beautiful, fun-loving people. So the question is this: Will this country want to actually watch a woman get older before their eyes on a daily basis?The photo of Hillary in the upper left corner of this post was run on The Drudge Report today with the caption "The toll of a campaign". Have we really sunk this low as a society? In 2004 the neocons managed to turn an American war hero, John Kerry, into a bungling, lying, flip-flopper, and now they are trying to plant the seed that this accomplished woman, a United States Senator, a former First Lady of the United States, a woman who was named one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America, is somehow unqualified simply because of her appearance.
At some point it would seem that the American people will begin rejecting the politics of appearance. I truly hope that as a society we are above this sort of personal attack, but perhaps that is a false hope, that perhaps we really have become a sexualized superficial society, where cruelty knows no bounds. If we let the Rush Limbaughs, Matt Drudges, Michell Malkins and Michael Savages dictate the terms of what is acceptable in society, then we are lost, because these hate merchants only seek to provoke and divide us against ourselves. Shame on them all.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Missing in Action
I just want to apologize to all my readers for a drought of postings over the past couple of weeks. I have an online business that has been keeping me working 16 hour days due to the holiday season, plus I have had a nasty flu/cold on top of all the work, leaving me with virtually no spare time, or energy. Hopefully I will be back up to speed this week, and thanks to all of you who keep checking in every day.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Sunday, December 09, 2007
The Sunday Newds 12/9/07

- The Brevard County Sheriff's Office is cracking down on nude sunbathers at Florida's traditionally clothing-optional Playalinda beach. [wesh.com]
- A painting of a nude woman was removed from a New Zealand cafe after its "graphic nature" offended some customers. The artist, who is a naturist, said, "It's a bit of a laugh, really. This is just a well put-together painting of a beautiful lady." [nzherald.co.nz]
- Sarasota County has hired an "anti-nudity expert" as it prepares to go to war over a pending federal lawsuit by combining two ordinances into one. [venicegondolier.com]
- The identities of the nude children on the cover of Led Zeppelin's "Houses of the Holy" have been revealed. Stefan Gates said. "Although it's just my naked behind you can see, perhaps being a part of something like that at a young age made me seek out more ambitious and adventurous experiences." [dailymail.co.uk]
- Sienna Miller has won her invasion of privacy case for nude photos taken on the set of her new movie "Hippie Hippie Shake", even though millions of people will see her nude on the big screen when the film is released. [entertainmentwise.com] In a related story, Tiger Woods' wife Erin has won a lawsuit against an Irish magazine that printed fake nude photos of the golfer's wife. [nydailynews.com]
- Newfoundland comedian Mary Walsh is looking for 500 people to pose nude for a film project, but "concerned residents" have been calling the local police voicing their objections. [canada.com]
- Eva Mendes is the latest celebrity to pose nude for PETA's anti-fur campaign. [huffingtonpost.com]
- A Grand Rapids anti-nudity ordinance is scheduled to go before a federal appeals court in January to determine its constitutionality. [wzzm13.com]
- Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) is urging the Senate to approve a bill giving the FCC ultimate power in censoring television programming because the "American public should be able to expect that they will not be barraged with unexpected indecent material, whether it is through an image or a word.” [broadcastingcable.com]
- Keira Knightley has admitted that she is on her way to becoming a nudist. [azcentral.com]
- Carrie Underwood will stay covered up because "nobody wants to see that...you can be intelligent, sexy and not have boobs everywhere." [accesshollywood.com]
- A Muslim woman has filed a federal lawsuit because she felt "naked and exposed" when her headscarf was removed for security reasons when she was arrested for riding on a commuter train without a ticket. [pe.com]
- A 53 year-old New Jersey artist will remove all of his clothes during a painting demonstration to celebrate his eight years in the arts district. [thedailyjournal.com]
- 13 female athletes in their 40s and 50s have posed nude for a calendar to raise money for breast cancer charities.
At first, equestrian Colleen Fisher said no way. But when her friend Lund rode the Seattle-to-Portland bike race while undergoing chemo, she changed her mind.
"If she could do that, then I could pose naked," said Fisher, 51, who rides bareback as October's calendar girl. [seattlepi.nwsource.com] - Does the Texas "titty tax" violate the First Amendment and state tax codes? [austinchronicle.com]
- A Utah company that edits nude scenes out of films is going out of business because of copyright violations.
"I've never rented from anywhere else," said Devin Sims of Lindon, who came with three of his five children to get the Pirates present. "There are plenty of movie stores from our house to here. But it's worth driving down here. You know you can take (a movie) home and have a good, wholesome family film." [deseretnews.com]
- About 100 University of Vermont students ran naked in Burlington while a thousand more cheered them on in the 20 degree weather.
"It's especially funny when you see someone you know and then you see them in the final next week," (senior Brandon) Watts said. "It's like, hey, whoever you are, I've seen you naked." [wcax.com]
- And while it's still legal for the students in Burlington to run naked, they won't be able to do it in Brattleboro, which finally passed its anti-nudity ordinance after a year of hand-wringing. [reformer.com]
- A former art teacher is protesting a painting at the Raymondsville Historical Center which depicts naked shipwreck survivors, calling it "pornography". [valleymorningstar.com]
- A Pittsfield woman has filed a petition to designate an area on Onota Lake for topfree sunbathing, and she has the support of at least 50 other residents. [berkshireeagle.com]
- Dear Abby: My landlord is a nudist. [dailyfreeman.com]
- About one-third of young Australians list "body image" as their biggest concern, ahead of family problems, suicide, and study issues. [news.com.au]
Sunday, December 02, 2007
The Sunday Newds 12/2/07

- Jessica Alba is a sexy prude. [earthtimes.org]
- A group of Southampton students are the latest in a long line of Brits getting naked for charity calendars. [thisishampshire.net]
- Two best friends are preparing to row across the Atlantic Ocean - naked. [showbizspy.com]
- Two celebrities recently seen celebrating topfreedom are Kate Moss and Lily Allen.
- A Bahraini mother has lost an appeal against a 6 month jail sentence for appearing in a "topless video" found on a cell phone. [gulf-daily-news.com]
- A columnist wonders why we show outrage at the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia when our own American society still treats women as sex objects. [daily-journal.com]
- Zoning codes in Albuquerque may mean censorship for an erotic film festival. [abqtrib.com]
- Is there a nude double-standard in Hollywood? [latimes.com]
- Victoria Beckham's nude image will appear on t-shirts to raise money for skin cancer awareness. [azcentral.com]
- Nude art is undergoing a renaissance in Australia. [thedaily.com.au]
- The Victoria's Secret Fashion show is the sexiest night on television "within the realm of standards". [thestar.com]
- A woman received an "eyeful of porn" by accident on her cell phone. As it came across, she blurted, "Oh my gosh!" That piqued the interest of her boss, who was walking by. Still shocked, Lisa showed the photo to the boss, who echoed, "Oh my gosh!" [pjstar.com]
- The current modestly movements are missing the point that abuse is not an act of passion, but one of power and aggression. [buffalonews.com]
- What compels an artist to paint images of hockey players in the nude? [boston.com]
- A group of South African women are painting plates with their breasts to raise money for charity. [int.iol.co.za]
- 64 year-old Sharon Gless is looking forward to baring her breasts on an upcoming episode of "Nip & Tuck". [pr-inside.com]
- A blogger concludes that naturism is for ugly people. [beatiquorum.blogspot.com]
- Christina Aguilera is pregnant, naked and proud in the January 2008 issue of Marie Claire. [huffingtonpost.com]
- People reveal their phobias regarding nakedness in gym locker rooms. [drownedinsound.com]
- A TV station runs a profile on Tucson's only nude resort. [fox11az.com]
- Truck mechanic by day; nude model by night. [sj-r.com]
- Our body obsessed culture has now spawned the belly button makeover. [cbs4.com]
- A radio DJ will skydive in the nude to raise money for a children's charity. [eveningtimes.co.uk]
- Kim Kardashian claims that she posed nude in Playboy to "help girls". [inhome.rediff.com]
- "Futurama" is back with a show about nudist aliens. [kansascity.com]
- Mr. Skin has named the top 20 nude scenes in 2007 movies. [biz.yahoo.com]
Friday, November 30, 2007
Setback for Topfreedom in Sweden
Sweden's equality watchdog has rejected a case submitted by two women who want topfree equality with men in public swimming pools.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
"There is a physical difference between a woman's upper body and that of a man," said Equal Opportunities Ombudsman Anne-Marie Bergström."There is also a great difference between how people in general perceive men's and women's bodies. It is therefore hard to maintain that [the topless bathers] were in a comparable situation to men who bathed with naked upper bodies."The 'Bara Bröst women were not surprised by the ruling and they vowed to continue their fight for equal rights through political means.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Bara Bröst,
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Daily Newds 11/26/07
- 500 women in Ghana are threatening to march naked to protest the dismissal of a woman government official. [modernghana.com]
- A 60 year-old man has been arrested in Brattleboro for exposing his genitals to two young girls. At least the news report did not label this creep a "nudist". [reformer.com]
- Some Brown students are earning extra money by posing nude for artists.
"When it's in an artistic context, it's sort of desexualized. Once it's taken out of the one-on-one sexual situation, seeing naked people is just like seeing another body." [browndailyherald.com]
- Sarasota is looking to crack down on the county's only strip club. While some dancers and customers took to the streets to protest the move, some residents support the closure. "We have enough problems in this world as it is without promoting this place for men to go and not be respectful to women." [myfoxtampabay.com]
- Artist Frank Faulkner has undertaken a project to draw only penises and plans on assembling his favorites into a book. [news.intependent.co.uk]
- Naked News now boasts of six million subscribers in 172 countries. [wikinewsreports.blogspot.com]
- Natalie Portman was interviewed recently and she expressed her feelings about doing a nude scene for Wes Anderson's "Hotel Chevalier".
'I'm really not prudish about doing nudity,' she continues. 'I think it's beautiful in films, and sex is such a big part of life, and nudity is obviously our natural state. That's not my issue. My issue is that I feel it takes something away from what you're doing. And also that it can be used afterwards for different purposes. Misappropriated.' [observer.guardian.co.uk]
- A Turkish painter was asked to remove several nudes from an exhibition after being told that they were "too much" for the public. [hurriyet.com.tr]
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Success for Sweden's Bara Bröst Activists
The Bara Bröst blog reports that 12 women were allowed to swim topfree at a pool in the city of Malmö. No pool attendants said or did anything to stop them. Whether or not they will be able to repeat their topfreedom at this particular pool is unknown pending a management decision, but this is an important step for these ladies who are trying to end the sexual discrimination against women who are not allowed to be topfree the same as men.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Bara Bröst,
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Weekend Newds 11/24/07

- Brattleboro once again discussed the impending anti-nudity ordinance at this week's meeting.
"If someone wants to do a nude installation, you can't have that," said Dora Bouboulis. "Plays like 'Caligula' and 'Hair' wouldn't be able to be performed because they have nudity. People nude sunbathing in their backyards, if visible, could be subject to getting a fine."
One man in attendance compared prohibiting nudity to the fight for civil and gay rights.
"The nudists are the last group who are pushed around," said John Lockwood. He also said the Selectboard, requiring a woman to cover her breasts while not requiring the same of a man, might as well start forcing women to wear a burkah.
Another town resident said forcing a woman to cover her breasts could open up the town to a court challenge on the basis of discrimination. [reformer.com] - A 53 year-old truck driver was told by security to cover up his backside at Erotica 2007 in London. "But there's loads of women walking around with everything hanging out." [theage.com.au]
- Naturists in New Zealand are donning clothes for the annual open day at a local resort.
Although many New Zealanders still regarded naturists with suspicion, Mr Knowles insisted it was perfectly normal to walk around as God intended. The only reason people needed to wear clothes was to keep warm and not because they had been conditioned by society to think that being nude was wrong, he said. [stuff.co.nz]
- A new report on the FCC's crackdown on indecency shows that the argument could go in favor of those who believe the tougher regulations are unconstitutional, or in favor of those who want even more regulations which would extend to cable and satellite broadcasts. [journalrecord.com]
- An Australian woman supports the banning of nude swimming for children at a local pool, not because she is offended by the nudity, but because she is "concerned about the sexual predators lurking just about everywhere these days.' [bordermail.com.au]
- Nude photographs of teachers at a college which preaches strict Christian values have been circulating among the students, exposing the hypocrisy of those who lecture against promiscuity and extra-marital sex. [mirror.co.uk]
- More nude fundraising calendars here and here.
- Some people in New Jersey are "appalled" at the prospect of a lingerie party to be held at a local community center for adults 18 and older.
"People have moved here because of Lawnside's reputation as a nice, quiet, family-oriented municipality," she said. "If this becomes a precedent, what's next -- topless dancing or lap dancing?" [courierpostonline.com]
- Attempts to close two nude beaches in Australia have come up short, but new signs will warn visitors about the nudism, and there will be an increased police presence to deal with offensive behavior. [mosmandaily.com.au]
- Malcolm Boura of British Naturism has weighed in on the case of the man who appeared naked at his door to scare children at Halloween, and was placed on the sex offender's registry.
We do not condone the behaviour of Mr Andrews which was unacceptable but judging from the report in the Citizen this case may have been yet another abuse of the legal process...The offense he was charged with is intending to cause fear, alarm or distress by means of exposure of the genitals. Unless the prosecution showed that there was intent, and there is nothing in the article to show that they did, then he should have been acquitted on that charge. ..We always advise our members to get really good legal advice where nudity is concerned. [burnleycitizen.co.uk]
- "Heroes" star Kristin Bell once streaked the lobby of New York's Minskoff Theatre. "It was really fun'. [hiphop-elements.com]
- Christina Applegate has posed nude for a PETA campaign to discourage people from buying animal fur products this holiday season. [abc2news.com]
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Holiday Newds 11/21/07
- The owners of a clothing store in the UK have been asked to censor artwork depicting a naked man for fear it may cause “harassment, alarm or distress” to the public. [thesun.co.uk]
- A 102 year-old woman has apparently become the oldest person to ever pose nude for a fundraising calendar. [news.com.au]
- Kate Humble, a British television personality, is a naturist. "One of life’s great joys is dancing naked in the sun. It makes me feel so good...Even now, there are all sorts of places in the world where you can take your clothes off and not be seen." [digitalspy.co.uk]
- A snow white sculpture of a voluptuous nude daintily holding a cigarette fetched $1.6 million at Christie's Latin American art auction on Monday, a record for a sculpture by Colombia's Fernando Botero. [reuters.com]
- A group of drunken jockeys got into a brawl at a barbecue, so naturally news reports blame the topless woman for starting it. [news.com.au]
- Sportswriter Mark Celizic condemns the crude "show us your tits" behavior of New York Jets fans, but professes to support topfreedom. "I’ve no objection to topless women and I never objected if my children saw a stray boob in its natural habitat. I always found it curious that the folks who rate movies didn’t care if my kids saw murder and mayhem but went ballistic if an earthy epithet or a glimpse of a personal body part slipped into the production". [msnbc.msn.com]
- A participant in a recent Kansas City nude bike ride was "knocked off his bike" by police and issued a ticket which stated that he "Did knowingly expose his genitals under circumstances in which he knows that his conduct is likely to cause affront or harm by riding his bicycle on the city street and through large crowds with a tube sock over his penis and no other clothing." [pitch.com]
- Catherine Price writing in Salon dismisses in part the efforts of Sweden's topfree movement. "But as for the idea of desexualizing the breast? I think that battle is going to take more than 14 naked Swedish women in public swimming pools. At least they'll have plenty of male support." [salon.com]
- A quarter million dollar nude photograph was removed from the home of Tony and Heather Podesta prior to a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. [pdnonline.com]
- Breastfeeding is more popular than ever in the UK. [news.independent.co.uk]
- News on a couple of more nude calendars here and here.
- A reporter for the Sunday Times has a Sunday lunch with a bunch of naturists. “The appeal of naturism is that it relieves you of your identity and creates instant equality,” said Mike, a 42 year-old architect. “Clothes are a way of defining yourself to others before they even begin speaking to you. Being naked like this, conversing with strangers, brings us all down to the same level because there’s a vulnerability to it. It’s deeply humanising.” [thetimes.co.za]
- Soap star Marcus Patrick was fired from Days of Our Lives" after posing nude for Playgirl Magazine. [bgay.com]
- Fire damaged a home at the Caliente Nudist Resort. [tbo.com]
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Introducing The World-Wide Nudist Collaboration Wiki

The Academic Naturist has created an online space for everyone involved in the Free Body Movement - The World-Wide Nudist Collaboration Wiki, or WWNCW.
The WWNCW is a website that anyone can edit, much like Wikipedia, that is ideal for collaboration and crowdsourcing, and appears to be a powerful vehicle to take the nudist or naturist movement into the 21st Century.
Some of the features include a calendar system, a project and task management system, a forum, polls, regional webs, user homepages, and anonymity.
From the press release:
The WWNCW is a website that anyone can edit, much like Wikipedia, that is ideal for collaboration and crowdsourcing, and appears to be a powerful vehicle to take the nudist or naturist movement into the 21st Century.
Some of the features include a calendar system, a project and task management system, a forum, polls, regional webs, user homepages, and anonymity.
From the press release:
Join In!Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
The wiki is a powerful tool because it's driven by smart people, and I believe that a large group of smart people can really make a difference in things.
Improve freedom: Nudist lawyers can help out in legal matters, such as lobbying for change or supporting cases where nudity is involved. There is some serious organization involved when trying to change a law -- and the wiki can handle it. (Even if rallies, protests, or abundantly contacting congressmen are involved.)
Improve safety: If your a woman, it would be nice to know in advance if someone you trust will be at the beach. The regulars can keep the beaches safe by volunteering to do patrol and keep an eye on things. This can be scheduled so that everyone knows who they can contact if something happens.
Improve accessibility: Nudist nurses or doctors could arrange to accompany the elderly if they'd like to go and have trouble going. Also, volunteers could escort newbies to the beach or resort if they have some initial fears about going, or at least act as a contact for questions.
Improve knowledge: People know what events are at the clubs, beaches, and resorts, and know what ones their friends will be at -- all without hours of phone calls. This is the easy way to plan the perfect weekend with your friends.
Improve organization: People also know what tasks need to be done, and have the option to help out with matters and voice their opinion.
Improve whatever needs improving: The wiki can flex into whatever you want it to, and handle needs that we can't yet imagine.
Please join in and help out!
- The Academic Naturist, WikiAdmin of WWNCW.org
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Weekend Newds 11/16/07

- Holly Schmidt and Allan Penn are publishing a series of coffee-table sex books that fall somewhere between pornography and instructional manuals.
“We saw an opportunity to approach the subject visually in a way that is better, or different, than has been done in the past,” Schmidt says. “A lot of it is instinct and experience, as well as a recognition of the increased sexualization of popular culture.” [bostonmagazine.com]
- More fading memories of the days when people swam in the nude.
Another man told me that in the early '60s at Indiana University, male students taking swimming class also did so sans trunks. His impression was that before society had become so inundated with sex and lasciviousness, the body was simply appreciated as it was in the days of the early Olympians. It was nothing to be gawked at. No one really gave it much thought. It was simply the practice of the times. [nwitimes.com]
- A 23 year-old college student who was scolded by a Southwest Airlines employee for her revealing outfit will let it all hang out in Playboy Magazine. [forbes.com]
- The "Naked Rambler" Stephen Gough has been arrested for a 12th time and will undergo psychiatric evaluation.
Sheriff Kenneth McIver said: "It may be he should be in hospital not a prison. His solicitor has revealed Gough was assessed by mental health professionals last month who reported 'no concerns of any significance'. [news.scotsman.com]
- Attorneys representing Ohio strip clubs will try and convince a federal judge today that the new law regulating the industry is unconstitutional, and is hurting their businesses. [newsnet5.com]
- Gok Wan, the host of the British show "How to Look Good Naked", is urging women to strip off for an upcoming live show. [eveningtimes.co.uk]
- A former city councilman and Chamber of Commerce president has found a new life as the manager of a nudist resort. [signonsandiego.com]
- There are no adult businesses in Plant City, but city commissioners are planning tougher anti-nudity regulations just in case one opens. [tbo.com]
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Daily Newds 11/15/07
- A writer seriously wonders if the artists behind Playboy's annual video game pictorial have actually ever seen a naked woman in the flesh. [netjak.com]
- An art installation on the female breast seeks to bring some reality to the way women view themselves and their bodies. [msnbc.com]
- A publisher is trying to end Japan's ban on the importing of images showing human genitalia. [africa.reuters.com]
- Here's an appreciation of Doris Wishman's nudist movie "Hideout in the Sun", which is out on DVD. [popmatters.com]
- A feminist writer in the UK explores how society came to regard the image of a breastfeeding mother as something obscene. [thefword.org.uk]
- You don't have to be a nudist or a naturist to enjoy the clothes-free rejuvenation found at Living Waters Spa. [pr.com]
- Lawmakers in a West Virginia town were too embarrassed to read aloud their own anti-nudity ordinance. [timeswv.com]
- Meet the unofficial mayor of Mazo's nude beach. [madison.com]
- Bluefly's new commercials, scheduled to air during "Project Runway", feature nude women in everyday situations, symbolic of the age-old dilemma of having "nothing to wear". [businesswire.com]
- Twenty-one shoppers stripped to their underwear to get $100 worth of free clothing at a UK store. [northantset.co.uk]
- The number one etiquette issue for businesspeople networking at hotel spas is nudity. [nytimes.com]
- A Canadian author is protesting the fact that her book aimed at children 8 to 13 has been banned at an elementary school for containing the words "generous bazoongas" to describe the breasts of a grandmother who poses for a nude charity calendar. [theglobeandmail.com]
- "The Disobedient Male" is an online art exhibition which investigates society's hostility towards the nude male. [pr-usa.net]
- A woman defends her decision to continue breastfeeding her four year-old daughter. [news.independent.co.uk]
- 50 people posed nude for photographer Jack Gescheidt in order to save a grove of oak trees. [dailycal.org]
- Women who violate a "trouser ban" in a South African township are being rounded up and assaulted. [int.iol.co.za]
- 200 angry tenants are planning a nude protest against an Australia's Lend Lease Corp. [theage.com.au]
- A survey found that 25% of all men are ashamed to be nude in front of their partners. [thisislondon.co.uk]
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Dress Codes,
Mazo Beach,
Defiant Elizabeth Book to Protest Daytona Nudity Ban
Topfreedom activist Elizabeth Book plans on going topfree in Daytona on March 8, International Women's Day, to protest the city's recently enacted anti-nudity ordinance, which was basically passed specifically to deal with her activism. Book has notified that she intends to sue the city because she claims police violated her civil rights.
Besides the threatened lawsuit, Book also has started an on-line petition that she hopes to submit to the United Nations.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
"I want decriminalization," she said. "There should never be a law against a woman's body."
So on March 8, Book plans to make a speech on the west end of the Main Street Bridge, then lead a march across the bridge and down Main Street on the beachside.
Asked is she planned to march topless, she said she wasn't sure.
But then she said, "Of course I will."
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
It's About How You Behave
At my first foray into social nudism, when I asked if it was OK that I was a married male without a wife in tow, I was simply told "It's about how you behave". In a nutshell, that sums up society in general.
In Columbus, Ohio, women who practice topfreedom are not hassled by the police because previous court decisions have ruled that women's breasts are not sexual organs, and do not meet the criteria for indecent exposure. In most areas of the country, a woman sunbathing topfree will be asked to cover up or face arrest, even if she is behaving well within the boundaries of the law.
Just yesterday, a Columbus firefighter was found guilty of public indecency when he exposed his genitals to a woman sunbathing topfree in a local park.
The ruling not only affirms a woman's right to topfreedom, it strengthens it by establishing behavioral boundaries to anyone who is either aroused by the sight, or opposes it on moral grounds.
The real issue with women's topfree equality is not about the female breast, but how people behave when exposed to one. Only time will tell if the Columbus case will be a landmark in the struggle for topfreedom, but I cannot think of any other time when the law not only allowed topfreedom, but actually protected it.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
In Columbus, Ohio, women who practice topfreedom are not hassled by the police because previous court decisions have ruled that women's breasts are not sexual organs, and do not meet the criteria for indecent exposure. In most areas of the country, a woman sunbathing topfree will be asked to cover up or face arrest, even if she is behaving well within the boundaries of the law.
Just yesterday, a Columbus firefighter was found guilty of public indecency when he exposed his genitals to a woman sunbathing topfree in a local park.
The ruling not only affirms a woman's right to topfreedom, it strengthens it by establishing behavioral boundaries to anyone who is either aroused by the sight, or opposes it on moral grounds.
The real issue with women's topfree equality is not about the female breast, but how people behave when exposed to one. Only time will tell if the Columbus case will be a landmark in the struggle for topfreedom, but I cannot think of any other time when the law not only allowed topfreedom, but actually protected it.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Monday, November 12, 2007
"They're Just Breasts"

It cannot be said enough that if any progress is going to be made in decriminalizing the human body in today's anti-nudity atmosphere, it is in the area of women's topfreedom.
Such a movement is currently afoot in Sweden, where women have organized a group called "Bara Bröst" network, which translates into English as "Bare Breasts" and "Just Breasts". Twice now seven of the women have gone topfree in public pools, but twice they were asked to leave and they cooperated. When asked why the women were not allowed to be topfree like the men, a spokesperson said:
Such a movement is currently afoot in Sweden, where women have organized a group called "Bara Bröst" network, which translates into English as "Bare Breasts" and "Just Breasts". Twice now seven of the women have gone topfree in public pools, but twice they were asked to leave and they cooperated. When asked why the women were not allowed to be topfree like the men, a spokesperson said:
"Swimming pools generally require men to wear swimming trunks and women to wear either bikinis or one piece swimsuits...There are three reasons for this. First, there is a security aspect, then there is a hygiene issue and finally there is what we call 'prevailing manners and customs'. It is above all this last point which is important here."Security? What's going to happen? Are all the men who see the topfree women suddently going to riot? And hygiene? There's an argument that won't hold up in any court. Last of all, "prevailing manners and customs", while they might seem etched in stone to some, are really just transient social habits that invariably change with the wind.
This new topfree movement is a logical evolutionary step in the feminist movement, as women strive for equality. In the sixties, women burned their bras in protest, but few went topfree. Blame Playboy, blame the fashion industry, blame pornography, and blame plastic surgeons - all are to blame for sexualizing the female breast to the point where it is now commonly thought to be a sex organ or erogenous zone, something to exist only for the gratification of the male of the species. The sexual mythology of the female breast has reached a breaking point, and women have to take their bodies back and de-mystify the female breast in society.
Sweden's Equal Opportunities Ombudsman is expected to decide later this month whether or not to take up the case of the topless bathers."Our aim is to start a debate about the unwritten social and cultural rules that sexualize and discriminate against the female body," said Astrid Hellroth and Liv Ambjörnsson.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Sunday Newds 11/11/07

- Australians voted Kevin Rudd as the politician they would most like to see in the nude. [news.com.au]
- A new photography book called "Women Seeing Women" explores how females see themselves, and whether or not women photographers see the female nude differently than men. [telegraph.co.uk]
- A man at a concert was "tased in the ass for a prolonged period of time" because when he was told by security to put on his shirt, he began taking off his pants instead. [blogs.riverfronttimes.com]
- A woman in the UK who posed nude for a fundraising rugby calendar described the shoot as follows: ‘It was weird not knowing where to look, but after a few hours noone fluttered an eyelid!" [wessexscene.co.uk]
- The Cheeky Chappies nude charity calendar features 12 working class men from Wales. [eveningleader.co.uk]
- A California firefighter was suspended for a week for being photographed walking into the fire station wearing only a hat and a tie. [pressconnects.com]
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Romney: Adam and Eve Looked "Promiscuous"

Former Massachusetts Governor and Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was in New Hampshire today, and as he passed a tree with large leaves he noted that "Adam and Eve would not have looked as promiscuous if they had had leaves this big."
OK, Mitt, with whom would Adam and Eve have been promiscuous? Were Adam and Eve automatically slutty simply because they were naked as God had made them? Why am I asking questions about a religious fairy tale as if Adam and Eve actually existed?
Romney's supporters will slough off this comment as being merely a joke, but sometimes it is the off-the-cuff remark that reveals much more about a politician's true self than any prepared speech. To Romney, nudity, even in the Biblical sense, is dirty. Good thing he wears those magic underpants to protect his own manhood from promiscuity and damnation.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
OK, Mitt, with whom would Adam and Eve have been promiscuous? Were Adam and Eve automatically slutty simply because they were naked as God had made them? Why am I asking questions about a religious fairy tale as if Adam and Eve actually existed?
Romney's supporters will slough off this comment as being merely a joke, but sometimes it is the off-the-cuff remark that reveals much more about a politician's true self than any prepared speech. To Romney, nudity, even in the Biblical sense, is dirty. Good thing he wears those magic underpants to protect his own manhood from promiscuity and damnation.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Getting Naked With Strangers

Admittedly, dropping my bright red, toaster-and-kettle-patterned fleece robe - sexy, I know - for the first time was a little strange. But once you're naked for five minutes, it's not like they're seeing something they haven't seen before.For Laura Power, not only was the experience fun, she felt "more appreciated than a magazine cover model". She plans on doing it again.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Friday, November 09, 2007
The Weekend Newds 11/9/07

- A college woman realizes that she cannot compete body-wise with porn stars in any relationship. [bgnews.com]
- A college man thinks that pornography can be part of a sexual relationship with someone other than himself. [bgnews.com]
- Naked Rambler Stephen Gough was not allowed to appear naked for a court appearance. "The court is entitled to enforce standards of decency and decorum in the dress and demeanour of those who appear before it." [news.scotsman.com]
- Sun worshippers in Australia met at a resort for their annual clothes-off.
One young waitress said that it was a bit daunting for a few minutes when the naked guests first arrived, but after a few minutes she stopped noticing. "I just look them in the face," she said. [townsvillebulletin.com.au]
- Juliette Binoche is quoted as saying, "modeling naked for Playboy was equally an act of universal love as well as a feminist act of militancy to change the world." [cinematical.com]
- A book about naturist Wreck Beach has been determined to be "too risque" to be carried aboard British Columbia ferries. [canada.com]
- Charges against an Ohio prosecutor discovered walking about nude late one night in a government building have been dismissed. [cincypost.com]
- A nude sculpture made from thousands of coffee beans is being auctioned for charity. [thesun.co.uk]
- Lobstermen and children in Maine were distracted by a nude model working outdoors in Ogunquit for art classes on Perkins Cove Rocks - in 1915. [seacoastonline.com]
- Rather than paying a small fine, a 77 year-old Australian naturist is fighting the charge of willful exposure given to him by constables who said, "I don’t like seeing naked male people in public...It’s offensive. I wouldn’t consider it normal behaviour.” The naturist was sunbathing on an "unofficial" nude beach where police have ignored nude bathers for 25 years. [thedaily.com.au]
- If you want to go smooth, here is a good overall guide to hair removal. [seattlepi.com]
- A mistrial has been declared in the case of the comic book store owner who allegedly gave to a minor a book containing cartoon drawings of a nude Pablo Picasso. [comicbookresources.com]
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
"Patently Unreasonable"
In unusually harsh language, the British Columbia Supreme Court has called the reasons for denying the use of a municipal pool to a nudist group "patently unreasonable".
The reasons for denying the unclad swimmers access to the pool included the city's preference for saving the monthly late-night spot for youth activities; concern for the lifeguards, who had been hired on the understanding that they wouldn't have to keep an eye on the unattired; and the health hazards inherent in bare-bottom bathing.The court agreed with the naturists on all points, and that the city overstepped its boundaries by treating the private use of the facility as a "public place".
Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts says it's unlikely the city will appeal the case, given that the dispute stemmed from the actions of a previous administration.Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
"It's time to move on," she said. "We have more serious things to deal with."
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Nipplegate, UK Style

In an incident that looks to be the British equivalent of the Janet Jackson Super Bowl nipple incident, two ITV television personalities bared their breasts and encouraged other women to do the same on a series called "Trinny and Susannah Undress the Nation". Since the program was aired at 8 PM when children are watching TV, the backlash has been harsh, with viewers and family groups calling the nudity "gratuitous and inappropriate".
Women's breasts have become sexual icons in the media. Men consider them sex objects, and women obsess over their own size and shape, to the point where thousands undergo plastic surgery in order to achieve more confidence in their own bodies. The fascination with female breasts has reached a breaking point. Women need to take back their own bodies, to de-objectify and de-mystify their breasts.
And people need to stop making the argument that the sight of female breasts is harmful to children. Breasts are designed for children! Any other purpose is an invention of an oversexed society that just needs to back off and get back to some more rational attitudes about the human body.
UPDATE: The Daily Mail swapped the above photo for one showing the same women wearing a bra...apparently the British nipplegate has now spread to the print and Internet media.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
One viewer described the programme as "nasty, leaving a bad taste in the mouth" while another said: "This is primetime family viewing. I switched on with young children present and was deeply disturbed by the level of nudity at that time. "It made for extremely uncomfortable and gratuitous television, particularly when I had to explain it to my children." Another wrote: "They belittle and embarrass their victims."Hardly. It's about time someone had the courage to approach the issue of female breasts in a frank and honest manner. This particular episode concerned the problems women have in getting bras to fit, and one of the hosts, Trinny Woodall, donned prosthetic breasts so she could experience the physical and social effects of living with a large bust size.
Women's breasts have become sexual icons in the media. Men consider them sex objects, and women obsess over their own size and shape, to the point where thousands undergo plastic surgery in order to achieve more confidence in their own bodies. The fascination with female breasts has reached a breaking point. Women need to take back their own bodies, to de-objectify and de-mystify their breasts.
And people need to stop making the argument that the sight of female breasts is harmful to children. Breasts are designed for children! Any other purpose is an invention of an oversexed society that just needs to back off and get back to some more rational attitudes about the human body.
UPDATE: The Daily Mail swapped the above photo for one showing the same women wearing a bra...apparently the British nipplegate has now spread to the print and Internet media.
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
Naked Musical Touring the UK

"Men can talk about boobs, bums, women and football but find it really hard to talk about themselves," says the 38-year-old.
"In this production, we show the girls what men talk about behind closed doors, like the size of their manhood or how they can't get a girl.
"It helps girls to understand boys a bit more and encourages lads to talk about themselves too."
The Buckeye Bares
The Buckeye Bares is a nudist group now forming in the Akron/Canton area of Ohio, and they have announced their inaugural meeting for Saturday, December 1, in Akron. Their press release states:
Support your local groups!
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
You'll meet and enjoy the company of a variety of people who, like you, come in many shapes, sizes and ages. Our philosophy of body acceptance means that we learn to appreciate the diversity of body types, gain a better understanding and acceptance of our own bodies, and reap the social, psychological, and physical benefits of a healthy and natural way of life.The organizers welcome all whether or not you have any nudist experience, but they request that potential members follow the guidelines set down by AANR and TNS. For more information, you can visit their website, or send them an e-mail at info@buckeyebares.com.
Support your local groups!
Tags: nudism, naturism, nudist, nudists, naturist, naturists, nudity, nudes, bare, au naturel, nude, naked
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