Friday, January 18, 2008

Suggestion for Stephen Gough

Please put on your clothes for at least long enough to keep you from being arrested again. While I certainly agree that you should have the right to not wear clothes if that is your choice, spending all of your time behind bars is not going to change anything. Your trek across England was inspirational, but your confrontations with police and judges borders upon the pathetic. Nudists and naturists need to work within the system in order to change public perceptions and laws, and gather support. While it is true that sometimes one person can make a difference, such as in the case of Gandhi, or Rosa Parks - well, Stephen, you do not appear to be another Gandhi. Do what is necessary to stay out of jail and stop pissing people off, you are doing more harm than good.

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Academic Naturist said...

Perhaps he should've waited until he was out of reach by the police, and should calm down a bit, but I'll go with your example:

Rosa Parks committed a similar civil disobedience and got instantly arrested. If the Womens Polical Counsil (WPC) didn't start a boycott, Parks would likely be in the same situation as Gough -- standing up for rights without the support of anyone else. (It's important to note that several others did this before her and ended up like Gough.)

We've apparently made the choice to not support Gough in his civil disobedience. But what if we did? It's amazing that a simple bus boycott ended up reversing massive segregation. If only some organization would support Gough...

Or we could rely on working within the system, as you suggest -- clearly it's done wonders for us so far.

Often, the loud and persistent get their way, especially if they stick together and work in unison. I wish more nudists were like that.

Nudiarist said...

The big difference here is that Rosa Parks represented an African-American population that had already endured so much pain that they were ready to change the system. The Montgomery Bus Boycott which followed gave rise to Martin Luther King. With Gough, nudists are not going to stage a UK clothes boycott because people are not ready for the type of change he represents, which is complete nakedness in public, anytime, anywhere. If Body Freedom advocates have a Rosa Parks today, it is perhaps Liz Book, who is putting her civil liberties on the line advocating women's topfreedom. Topfree equality is a realistic goal - it's beginning to work in Sweden, Denmark appears to be following suit, and states like Ohio and New York already protect this right (to a limited degree). Anyway, Gough just appears to most people to be "off his chum" as they say, and that's not helping anybody.