Friday, October 26, 2007

Victory for Artistic Expression

The Elton John owned Nan Goldin photograph "Klara and Edda Belly Dancing" which was pulled from an art gallery in the UK has been proclaimed "not indecent" by the Crown Prosecution Service. The most disturbing aspect of this case is that the photo was seized in order to test if "standards had changed" since the image was first examined by the CPS in 2001. Had the image been determined to be indecent, every person with a photograph of a nude baby or child would be subject to criminal prosecution. There is nothing indecent about a naturally nude human being of any age. Society needs to stop looking at innocence through the eyes of a pervert. Here is a link to the photo.

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Anonymous said...

You're very right. It's not like she deliberately posed like that. She's simply playing, simply nude.

Anonymous said...

the human race and perversion is to blame for the disgusting minds of such individual:(perverts).i have seen art forms from children to grndparents from animals to wood is art from human form to ink and paper as long as there is no sexual pleasure and paint or uncumforts to others and they are happy to carry on with art work then let them be!!i went to a schoolplay the other morning and CAN not take picture of my son without permission from all paerents....WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO WE LIVE IN NOW?????

Jack Simmons said...

Okay, the human body is beautiful, and I have no problem with nudity at all. But who would upload a picture like this onto the internet where perverts are known to get off over pictures like this one?

Anonymous said...

i agree with what andrew say's. there are people sick enough in this world who like sex with minors putting this up technically helps them get off. but i also agree with pj's views if she chose to be nude so be it just the internet nowadays is full of porn and predators

Anonymous said...

smiffy129, the internet is not FULL of porn and predators, though it does have a lot - but so does the outside world. Someone doesn't suddenly stop becoming a child molestor just because they've stopped using the internet. Nor does a naked image turn someone who doesn't ALREADY have sexual feelings for kids into a child molestor, nor does covering a kid up in clothes stop a child molestor wanting to molest or rape them, as evidenced by the amount of sexual attacks on kids that DON'T say "she (or he) (the child) previously posed nude"

Anonymous said...

I do not agree that people should be discouraged from posting naked photos of children on the net so long as they are natural pictures like the one posted here. If perverts choose to get off on things like this (and they will) then the photographer can hardly be blamed. If people are stopped from posting photos like this, then society is taking the easy way out of a complex problem. It is like putting makers of chocolate in prison because it makes people unhealthy... Chocolate doesn't make people fat, they have to choose to eat an awful lot. Dost thou comprehend?

Anonymous said...

If the world was to join together and bann all forms of Nudist art similar to this... many people would lose pictures of happy family moments they had together... though I agree.. if you have a picture like this... don't post it on the internet for all to see... it's private