Monday, October 12, 2009

Two Women Bare it All

Entertaining and positive article here about two women who venture to the Berkshire Vista Resort for their first nudist experience.
When the sun comes out, the place has the giddy atmosphere of a summer camp. Campers bounce about the tennis courts, wearing only sneakers, and two elderly men toss a Frisbee with the glee of undiapered toddlers. I remind myself that the athletes of ancient Greece were naked, as I make the stunning observation that I'm among the most petite women here. I'm also one of the youngest. I had expected Aphrodite and Adonis, but this place is crawling with Ozzies and Harriets with broad smiles, fantastic tans and big bottoms. So this is where all of the flower children have gone!


Academic Naturist said...

Wow, that is a really good article! I wish more textiles would take note of articles like this -- two women with obvious body issues jokingly visit a resort and end up loving it!

75grams said...

A wonderful read and very inspirational experience that I relate to completely.